Model Description
This document describes the PowerSchool Special Programs New Mexico (NM) state model and provides appropriate documentation to facilitate this product's sales, implementation, and support.
Click a Software menu path link to navigate to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.
Modules Available
The following modules are available and are individually licensed:
Special Education
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Section 504
English Language Learners (ELL)
Gifted and Talented
Service Capture
Document Templates
Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, and then Document Templates
The NM state model includes the following document templates:
Document Templates for Students
Tier1/Tier2 (RtI)
Classroom Intervention Plan
SAT Referral
SAT Student Observation
Notice of and Invitation to SAT Meeting
Notice of and Invitation to SAT Meeting (new)
Consent for SAT Assessments/Interventions
SAT Intervention Plan
Academic Improvement Plan
504 Accommodation Plan
Initial SAT Meeting Summary
Initial SAT Meeting Summary (new)
SAT Parent Letter - Attended Meeting
SAT Parent Letter - No Attendance
SAT Follow-up Meeting Summary
SAT Assistance Plan
Functional Behavior Assessment
Behavior Intervention Plan
Special Education Forms
Invitation To Ed Program Mtg
Parent Consent For Ed Evaluation
Parent Consent Form for Preschool Evaluation
Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED)
Eligibility Determination: Autism
Eligibility Determination: Deaf-blindness
Eligibility Determination: Developmental Delay
Eligibility Determination: Emotional Disturbance
Eligibility Determination: Gifted
Eligibility Determination: Hearing Impairment
Eligibility Determination: Intellectual Disability
Eligibility Determination: Multiple Disabilities
Eligibility Determination: Orthopedic Impairment
Eligibility Determination: Other Health Impairment
Eligibility Determination: Specific Learning Dis.
Eligibility Determination: Speech or Language
Eligibility Determination: Traumatic Brain Injury
Eligibility Determination: Visual Impairment
Multi-Disciplinary Report
Differential Diagnosis for Dyslexia WorksheetRev17
Medical Forms
Individualized Health Management Plan
Eye Examination
Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information
Medical Examination Form
Preschool/Elementary IEP
Secondary IEP
Parent Report Questionnaire
Notice of Graduation
Consent to Invite Community Agencies to Individualized Education Program (IEP)
IEP Excusal Form
Personal Needs Profile
Private School Plan
Student Exit Document
Addendum to IEP
Addendum for Braille Instruction
Addendum for Orientation and Mobility
Addendum for Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Special Transportation Instructions
Addendum for determining Eligibility ESY
Addendum for Determining Eligibility NMAA
Autism Checklist
Addendum Prior Written Notice of Proposed Actions
Complaints/Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution Request
Special Education Complaint Form
Due Process Hearing Form
Section 504 Plan
Invitation to Parents for Initial 504 Meeting
Information for Parents Regarding Section 504
Section 504 Meeting - Parent Input
Section 504 Meeting - Consent to Evaluate
Notice of 504 Meeting
Notice of 504 Identification Determination Summary
Notification of 504 Evaluation & Results
Section 504 Accommodation Plan_
Section 504 Plan Review
Notice of Section 504 Grievance Form
Notice of Section 504 Student Manifestation Report
Permission to Evaluate - Gifted
Notice of Intent to Reevaluate
Invitation to Participate in a Gifted Team Meeting
Notice of Recommended Assignment
Gifted Written Report (GWR)
Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP)
Placement Forms
ELL Home Language Survey
ELL Standardized Testing Accommodations
Contact Log
Teacher Modification Notice
Teacher Request for Assistance
Manifestation Determination
Revocation of Consent
Consent to Bill Private Insurance Program
Consent for Medicaid School-Based Services
Prior Written Notice of Proposed Actions
Summary of Performance
Meeting Participants/Signature Page
Profile Types
Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, then Profile Types
The NM state model includes the following profile types:
Class Student Roster
Class Staff Roster
Last Year
Configuration Options
Alternate Staff Locations
Class Staff Roster
Service Records
Alternate Staff Locations
Demographics/Enrollment/Contact Info
Special Education/Placement
Post-Secondary Transition
Existing Plans and Programs
Early Childhood Outcomes
ELL Student Demographics/Academic History
Student English Language Learners (ELL)/English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Data
ELL Testing Profile
Section 504
Students - Other
Contact Records
Discipline Infraction
District Accommodations
Document Delivery
Service Records
State Accommodations
Supplementary Servs
Model Reports
The NM state model includes the following reports:
Standard Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, then Standard Reports
Annual Review by Case Manager
IEP Compliance - Annual Review
IEP Workflow (Home Page Version)
IEP Workflow Compliance - Reevaluation
Initial Eligibility Reports Coming Due
Monitoring Report
Compu Claim Export
ParentConsent Export
Service Capture Export
Student Demographics
Data Checks
State Accoms SIEP
ELL Reports
ELL Students by School & Grade
ELL Students Report
Systemwide Country Report
Systemwide Spoken Languages
Imported Reports
IEP Workflow Compliance - Annual Review
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)
PARCC Export Report
PARCC Export Report Copy
PowerSchool Export Reports
PowerSchool Alert Export
PowerSchool NM Export (S_NM_STU_Service_Fact_C)
PowerSchool NM Export (S_NM_STU_SpedEvents_C)
PowerSchool NM Export (S_NM_STU_X)
Service Capture
Services You May Approve
Your Unapproved Services
Service Compliance
Service Compliance
Service Compliance (caseload)
Service Compliance (Provider)
State Reports
Special Education Events
Special Education Services
Special Education Snapshot
Toms reports
Toms test report
Public Student Reports
All Students
Exceptionality By Grade
Grade by Disability
Students with 504 Plans
Public District Reports
All Districts
Public Location Reports
All Locations
Public Staff Reports
All staff
Public Caseload Reports
Current Caseload
Public Service Record Reports
Service Records
Public Event Reports
Event Test 9999
Public State Accommodation Reports
All State Accommodations
Public Document Reports
Event Test
IEPs in Review
Advanced Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, then Advanced Reports
The NM state model does not include any Advanced Reports.
Keyword Tables
Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, and then Keyword Tables
Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. This includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, exit reasons, etc.
The system administrator cannot edit the fields required for state reporting in the state reporting profiles.
The system administrator can edit those keyword tables that are not required for state reporting.
The NM state model includes the following editable keyword tables:
Name | Description |
Absence_Tardy | Absence_Tardy |
ACCESSAccommodations | Accommodations for ACCESS |
AccommodationLanguages | Accommodation Languages |
Accommodations | General Accommodations for State and District Assessments |
Action | Action Discipline Infractions |
AdditlProperties | Contains an entry for each additional property of a record in a record list. |
AltWorkAtEnum | Originally for AlternateWorksAt. |
APAAccommodations | Testing Accommodations for the APA |
ApplyTable | AGraduating senior applying to. |
AreasOfConcernChoices | Areas Of Concern Choices Table |
AssessmentContrastColors | Assessment Contrast Colors |
AssessmentHumanAssistant | Assessment Human Assistant |
AssessmentResponseMethods | Assessment Response Methods |
AssessmentSubjects | Subjects for State or District Assessments |
Author | Author |
AutismAssessments | Assessments for Autism Eligibility Determination |
Average_Range | Average Range selection |
BaccalaureatTable | Baccalaureat Degree Institution Table. |
Behavior | Behavior |
BEPModelTable | Behavior Education Plan (BEP) Model |
BilledHoursTable | Billed hours table |
BrailleResponseMethods | Braille Response Methods |
BrailleResults | Possible results from Braille addendum |
CalendarTracksTable | Calendar tracks for the district used and define calendar days. |
CentralLocations | Locations |
Certifications | Contains every certification used by the district. |
ClassTypeTable | Indicates all the class types used in a district. This includes, but is not limited to, mainstream, bilingual, basic skills, and special education class types. |
ClusterTable | Cluster table |
ContactCode | Contact Code used in the Contact Log. |
CountryTable | Contains an entry for each country of origin (for students). |
CountyTable | Contains one entry for each county in the state. |
CTSOTable | List of Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO). |
dailyHoursContact | Lists the daily hours of contact. |
Days45 | Jan-45 |
DeafBlindCauseTable | Deaf/Blindness Causes |
DegreeTable | For Highest Degree Earned. |
DelayReasons | Delay Reasons |
DiagnosticCode | Diagnostic Code for Service Log. |
DIBELSAccommodations | Accommodations for Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS). |
DiplomaTypes | Diploma Types Standard or Certificate |
DisabilityCatgories | Contains the special education disability categories. |
DisabilityPriorities | Disability Priorities: Primary, Secondary, etc. |
DisplayDomain | Display Domain Description in Columns or Rows. |
Distr_LocationTypes | Contains an entry for each district/location type (i.e., "Local Education Agency" or "Regional Day School"). |
DistrictAssessments | District Assessments |
DistrictContactOptions | Globals District Contact Options |
DysxAddlAssessment | Additional Assessment for Dyslexia |
DysxEvalAssessment | Dyslexia Evaluation assessment |
DysxEvalAssessType | Dyslexia EvalAssess Type |
DysxPhonoAssessment | Phonological Assessment for Dyslexia |
DysxRSAssessment | Dyslexia Reading Assessment |
DysxRSAssessType | Dyslexia Reading AssessType |
EligibilityCatgories | Contains the special education eligibility categories. |
ELLTier | Tiers for ELL |
ESLModelTable | ESL Model Table |
ESOLAltProgram | ESOL Alternative Programs |
ESOLEngProf | ESOL English Proficiency |
EthnicTable | Contains an entry for each ethnic designation. |
EventCodes | Event Codes for Skills Training and Related Services (STARS) Reporting. |
ExistingNew | Contains E for Existing and N for New for Functional Behavior Assessment. |
ExitReasonTable | Contains an entry for each reason a student may exit a program or end enrollment. |
ExpectedDiplomaTypes | Diploma types. |
FEPClassTable | FEP Class Types. |
Frequency | Frequency |
GradeTable | Contains an entry for each grade. |
GraduationTable | Graduation Dates |
GuardianRlationTable | Contains an entry for each type of guardian a student may have. |
Header | Choice of Header Address |
HearingLevelTable | Hearing Levels |
IEPType | IEP Purpose choices - Initial, Annual Review, and Changes/modifications to Program |
IEPType02 | Different choices for IEP types |
Incident | Incident Discipline Infractions |
InstModel | Model of Instruction |
InsuranceServices | Insurance Services |
Intensity | Intensity |
Intensity1_5 | Intensity1_5 |
InterventionContactType | Parent Type Intervention |
InterventionFrequencies | Intervention Frequencies |
InterventionGroupSizes | Group Sizes |
InterventionSessionLengths | Session Length |
Involvement | Involvement (Discipline Infractions) |
Lang_Instr_Testing | Contains an entry for each language of instruction or for testing recognized by the state. |
LangProfTable | Language proficiency tests. |
LanguagesSpoken | Languages Spoken choices |
License | License Type for MaxCapture |
LivingSetting | Living setting. |
LocationDrop | Locations |
MarkingPeriodTable | Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district. |
MeasurableGoal | Annual Measurable Goal type selection |
Mediation | Mediation Choices, Request or Decline |
MediationOptions | Mediation Options for the NM Complaint Form |
MeetingMinutes | Duration of Meeting |
MeetingPurpose | Meeting Purpose |
MeetingPurpose504 | Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation |
MethELLTable | Method used to identify a student as an ELL. |
Method | Goal Method |
MethodTable | Method of ELL determination. |
MonthsTable | List of months. |
NativeLanguageTable | Contains an entry for each native language. |
NMCurricula | Curricula for New Mexico. |
NMSpEdRelServ | Contains New Mexico's Special Education and Related Services |
NoticeNumber | Contains First, Second, and Third. |
OperatingTypeTable | Contains an entry for each state-recognized district operating type. |
OrientationSupervisionLevels | Levels of Supervision for Orientation Addendum |
OutComes | Outcomes for service capture |
PARCC | PARCC Accommodations |
ParentNotifyTable | Methods of notifying parents of progress on goals. |
Participation | In attendance, Curriculum or services not discussed, Written report submitted, and written parent consent received choices. |
PCPReturn | Person-Centered Planning (PCP) Return |
PhoneTypeTable | Contains an entry for each possible phone number type. |
PLEPAreaofNeed | Areas of need for Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance |
PLEPSecAreaofNeed | Areas of need for Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance |
PNPTYPE | Personal Needs Profile (PNP) Type. |
PositionCodeMax | MaxCapture Position Code |
PositionTable | Staff Position Table |
PrescriptionStatus | Physician Prescription Status |
Presentation_ELL | Presentation Accommodations |
ProficiencyAsLang | Proficiency assessment languages. |
ProgramTable | Contains an entry for every program. This includes special education, bilingual, basic skills, and mainstream programs. |
ProgressIndicators | Progress Indicators |
ProgressRubric | For Progress Reporting. |
ProviderCodes | Provider Codes for Service Capture |
ProviderTypeTable | A list of provider types. |
Purpose504 | Section 504 Meeting Purpose |
RaceEnum | Multivalue for Race |
RateConcern | Rate Your Concern |
ReferralCodes | Referral Codes for young children |
RegEdServSubject | Contains subjects where accommodations are needed. |
RepDateTable | Table of choices for Rep Date. |
RepeatingGrade | Repeating Grade |
representative | Due process hearing from the dropdown |
RepresentInfo | Options:-Attorney-Advocate-15a Other Representative |
Request_Table | Select One Training Document |
ResidentialTreatmentFacilities | State of New Mexico Certified Residential Treatment Services Facilities |
Response_ELL | ELL Response Accommodations |
RTIInterventionFrequencies | RTI - SAT Assistance Plan - Interventions - Frequency |
RTIInterventionGroupSizes | RTI - SAT Assistance Plan - Interventions - Size of Group |
RTIInterventionSessionLengths | RTI - SAT Assistance Plan - Interventions - Session Length |
SATInterventionPlan | SAT Intervention Plan |
SchoolKindTable | Contains an entry for each "kind" (i.e., Public) of school. |
SchoolPsychType | School Psych type |
Score | Score A-E |
ScreenReaders | Screen Readers |
SeasonTable | Contains entries for each season of the year. |
ServiceCycles | Cycles of Service given |
ServiceLevelTable | Amount of special education service. |
ServiceLogCode | Service Code for Service Log |
ServiceLogLocation | Location for Service Log |
ServicePlacementTypes | Placement Types for STARS Service Reporting |
ServiceSizes | Whether a service is given Individual or a Group |
ServicesTable | Contains an entry for every service (related, supportive, etc.) recognized by the state. |
ServiceTypeCodeTable | Service type code table. |
Setting_ELL | ELL Setting Accommodations |
SettingTable | Settings. |
SexTable | Contains an entry for each sex. |
SpEdEventsTable | Contains an entry for any special education 'item' which needs tracking—used to define entries for multi-value fields. |
StaffStatusTable | Staff status table. |
StateAssessment | State assessments |
StateAssessments | State Assessments |
StateTable | Contains an entry for each state. |
STNT_Table | STNT (free/reduced lunch) program table. |
SubtestCOGAT | SubtestCOGAT |
SubtestEOCT | SubtestEOCT |
SubtestGHSGT | SubtestGHSGT |
SubtestGHSWT | SubtestGHSWT |
SubtestITBS | SubtestITBS |
SubtestITBS_GAKIDS | SubtestITBS and GAKIDS |
SupAidsServProv | Contains supplementary aids and services service provider |
SupportedRpts_Scrpts | Contains an entry for all reports (state or otherwise) & scripts supported by this structure. |
T1AInstruction | T1A Instruction table. |
T1ASupportTable | T1A Support values. |
TeacherArea_JobCodes | Contains an entry for each teacher position recognized by the state. |
Tests_ELL | ELL Tests |
TimeFrame | Goal TimeFrame |
TimingScheduling_ELL | Timing Scheduling for ELL |
Title_IA_Table | Title IA choices. |
TransitionIEPStatus | Transition IEP Status |
TransitionServices | Transition Services |
Tribe | A table of Native American tribes. |
ViolationOption | Yes/No options for complaint form New Mexico |
VisionChoices | Contains vision types:
Special Features
The following special features enhance the overall NM state model:
State Standards
Revision Feature
Active Document
Program Icons/Flags
IEP at a Glance
Document Delivery
Contact Log
DocuSign (limited documents)
Goal Wizard
Transfer Package