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SPSM-NM_21.2.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: March 1, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-37563Addendum for Determining Eligibility NMAA
  • Renamed the template Addendum for Determining Eligibility NMAA to Alternate Assessment Addendum.
  • Updated the section title to Alternate Assessment Addendum NMAA.
SPEDSM-35619Consent to Bill Private Insurance Program

Configured the Consent to Bill Private Insurance Program document to allow parents to sign via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-36259Eligibility Determination: Developmental Delay

Configured the Eligibility Determination: Developmental Delay document to allow all meeting participants to sign via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-36265Eligibility Determination: Other Health Impairment

Configured the Eligibility Determination: Other Health Impairment for DocuSign to allow all meeting participants to sign via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-34793Eligibility Determination: Speech or Language

Configured the Eligibility Determination: Speech or Language document to allow all meeting participants to sign via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-36657IEP, Progress Documentation, Signatures

Configured the Progress Documentation section of the IEP for DocuSign to allow parents to initial the Parents Rights area.

SPEDSM-37294IEP, Schedule of Services and Schedule of Services Year 2

Updated the Schedule of Services and Schedule of Services Year 2 sections on the IEP so that a four-digit value can be entered in the Minutes per Day/Week/Month/Semester/Year. Previously, the maximum number that could be entered was 999.

SPEDSM-32971IEP, Student Demographics

Updated the Student Demographics Section of the Preschool/Elementary and Secondary IEP. Previously, if Other: Continuing IEP was selected as the Meeting Purpose, the Most Recent Re-evaluation date would not flow to the Special Education/Placement profile. With this update, regardless of the IEP Meeting Purpose selected, the Most Recent Re-evaluation date will now flow to the Special Education/Placement profile.

SPEDSM-37296Invitation to Participate in a Gifted Team Meeting

Changed Invitation to Participate in a Gifted Team Meeting to Active to allow users to create the document. Previously, the status of the document was In Development.

SPEDSM-31173Medicaid School-Based Services document

Configured the Medicaid School-Based Services document to allow users to sign via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-33523Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) form

Configured the Review of Existing Evaluation Data form to allow all meeting participants to sign the document via DocuSign.

SPEDSM-36655Section 504 Meeting - Parent Input

Modified the Section 504 Meeting - Parent Input document so that the question fields are editable and text can be now entered based on the parent's input.

SPEDSM-34254STARS - Special Education Services Fact report

Updated the STARS - Special Education Services Fact report so that only records that have an entry date less than the current date are pulled into the report. Previously, student records that had an entry date greater than the current date were also included in the report.

SPEDDEV-17493STARS - Special Education Snapshot and STARS - Special Education Services Fact

Resolved an issue on the STARS - Special Education Snapshot and STARS - Special Education Services Fact reports so that the DCID is mapping to the proper SIS fields. Previously, the values were mapped to the ID rather than DCID in the SIS.

SPEDSM-34689Student Profile, Student Demographics

Updated the Student Demographics profile so that the Home Phone field appears within the Student Information area.

SPEDSM-32352Summary of Performance

Updated the Data Flow on the Summary of Performance document. Once saved, the Date of Most Recent field would flow to the Student Profile, Special Education/Placement. With this update, the Date of Most Recent field will not flow to the Student Profile, Special Education/Placement until the document is finalized.

SPEDSM-37483Summary of Performance document

Configured the Summary of Performance document to allow students to sign via DocuSign.

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