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SPSM-NM_21.8.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: September 3, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-44818Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information

Updated the Authorization for Disclosure of Health Information document so that the fields are editable.


Added a prompt on the Preschool/Elementary and Secondary IEP so that when the "Alternate Assessment - Attach Alternate Addendum and supporting documents" checkbox is selected, a prompt displays to attach files. Only .docx format files are accepted as attachments.

SPEDSM-44817Eligibility Determination Documents

Updated the Eligibility Determination documents to calculate student's Current Age. Previously, these documents would calculate the student's age based on their Evaluation Date. 

Updated the following Eligibility Determination documents to calculate the student's current age:

  •  Autism, Deaf-blindness, 
  • Developmental Delay
  • Emotional Disturbance
  • Gifted
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Multiple Disabilities
  • Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other Health Impairment
  • Specific Learning Dis.
  • Speech or Language
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Visual Impairment
SPEDSM-44816Eligibility Determination: Specific Learning Dis.

Fixed an issue on the Eligibility Determination: Specific Learning Dis. document so that when the student is 18 or older, it does not require the presence of the parents.

SPEDSM-38141NMCurricula keyword table

Updated the following changes to the NMCurricula keyword table:

  • Added an option for "Essential Elements for Significant Disabilities" to the keyword table.
  • On the Preschool/Elementary IEP, Annual Measurable Goals or Secondary IEP, and then Goal Options 2, when choosing from the "Reference From" drop-down list, the "Essential Elements for Significant Disabilities" will be displayed as an option.
SPEDSM-47039Other Resources

Removed the outdated resources from the Other Resources section of the NMMODEL help menu.

SPEDSM-44864Preschool/Elementary and Secondary IEP

Updated the data flow for the "Parents Consent to IEP" and "Primary Disability" fields on the Preschool/Elementary and Secondary IEP so that the data does not flow to the Student Profile until the IEP document(s) are finalized. Previously, these fields would flow to the Student Profile when the Preschool/Elementary or Secondary IEP was saved.

SPEDSM-42846Preschool/Elementary and Secondary IEP

Updated the URL on the ESY/Assessments section of the Preschool/Elementary IEP and Secondary IEP. The previous URL linked to an old document and has now been replaced with the updated Allowable Accommodations.

SPEDSM-32360Private School Plan

Updated the following changes to the Private School Plan document:

  • Fixed an issue on the Private School Plan so that when DocuSign is not enabled under the Meeting Participants area, the date fields for each participant are editable. Previously, the date entered for the student would populate the same date for each participant. 
  • Added a non-lookup option for Staff members under the Meeting Participants area.
SPEDSM-47119Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) Document

Updated the following changes to the REED document based on changes from the NM TEAM:

  • Added Phone Number to the Cover Sheet.
  • Added an option for None to the list of Previously Identified Disability(ies).
  • Made various text updates throughout the document according to the new version of the REED form.
  • The Review of Existing Evaluation Data section now has a Summary for each of the following areas:
    • Background Information
    • Communication
    • Physical
    • Social, Emotional, and Behavioral
    • Cognitive Factors
    • Functional Performance and Adaptive Behavior Factors
    • Academic Achievement Factors
    • Other Information
  • In addition to a summary for the above areas, there is also a Determination of Need where Yes or No will be selected to determine whether adequate data was provided or there are unanswered questions. An "Explanation of Determination of Need for Additional Data" field will be provided if there are additional questions.
SPEDSM-42290Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED) document

Fixed an issue on the REED document so that when DocuSign is not enabled for a district, it does not require Yes or No to be selected for the following statements: 

  • “The LEA has explained the reasons for its determination that additional data are not needed to determine whether my child continues to be a child with a disability and to determine my child’s educational needs.” 
  • “I understand my right to request an evaluation to determine whether my child continues to be a child with a disability and to determine my child’s educational needs.” 

These fields will still be editable when DocuSign is off but will no longer be required.

SPEDSM-42745Secondary IEP

Removed the Note displayed in the Graduation Options section of the Secondary IEP. The Note was referencing the 2010/2011 school year and was out of date.

SPEDSM-44863Special Education/Placement Student Profile

Updated the following changes to the Special Education/Placement area of the Student Profile to capture more data:

  • Renamed the Transportation field to "Eligible for Transportation."
  • Added a new field for "Currently Rides Special Transportation" beside the "Eligible for Transportation" field.
  • Added a new field for "Eligible for ESY" below the "Has Guardian" field.
    • When Yes is selected for "Does the student exhibit severe or substantial regression…" on the ESY/Assessments area of the EIP and SIEP and the document is finalized, it will mark the "Eligible for ESY" field as Yes.
  • Added a new field for "Plans to Attend ESY" beside the "Eligible for ESY" field.
  • Added a new field for "Alternate Assessment" below the "Eligible for ESY" field.
    • When the field for "Alternate Assessment - Attach Alternate Assessment Addendum and supporting documents" box is selected on the ESY/Assessments section of the EIP or SIEP, and the document is finalized, then this "Alternate Assessment" field will be selected in the profile.
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