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SPSM-NM_22.11.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: November 30, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-72633504 Accommodation Plan

Moved the 504 Accommodation Plan document under the Section 504 Plan category.

SPEDSM-57816Functional Behavior Assessment

Configured the Functional Behavior Assessment document so it can be signed via Digital Signature.

SPEDSM-49501Identification of Dyslexia Worksheet

Updated the Differential Diagnosis for Dyslexia WorksheetRev17 to add the updated form “Identification of Dyslexia Worksheet.” This has been added as a section of the existing document, and the Differential Diagnosis for Dyslexia Worksheet section has been retired.

SPEDSM-71708Medicaid Referring Provider document

Added the Medicaid Referring Provider document to the NMMODEL. This form can be found under the “Other” category under documents.

SPEDSM-30781Multi-Disciplinary Report

Updated the Multi-Disciplinary Report so that all fields are 508 compliant.

SPEDSM-62734Special Education Placement and IEP

Added fields on the Special Education Placement profile to allow additional data to be captured. This information includes if a student requires a wheelchair lift and if the student requires a security device. On the Medical/Significant Health section of the EIEP and SIEP, the fields indicating if a student needs a wheelchair lift and requires a security device will flow to the Special Education Placement profile once the document is finalized.

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