SPSM-NM_25.1.0.0 Release Notes
Date of Release: January 30, 2025
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
SPEDSM-108621 | 504 Accommodation Plan | A grid has been added to the 504 Accommodation Plan to facilitate staff and participant signatures, aligning with the design of the IEP document. |
SPEDSM-107258 | 504 Profile Changes | The 504 Profile Tag formula has been updated to check for the student’s eligibility under Section 504. A condition has been implemented to clear the tag at the end of every school year. |
SPEDSM-108619 | Document: Section 504 Eligibility | A new Section 504 Eligibility document has been created under the Section 504 Plan Template Category. |
SPEDSM-92896 | Dyslexia Document for Dual Language Students | Added a new section under the "Differential Diagnosis for Dyslexia Worksheet" document for students who come from Dual-language backgrounds. |
SPEDSM-112755 | Event Code Creation | Modified the exit form behavior to generate an event code indicating a student exited. The exit form now correctly creates an event in the child profile using the event date and type. |
SPEDSM-110476 | GIEP: Progress Report | The 'Progress Report on Goals and Outcomes' section will be editable when the Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP) is finalized. The section is to be included prior to finalizing the document. |
SPEDSM-108623 | Gifted Individualized Education Plan Updates | The Gifted Individualized Education Plan has been updated with the following changes:
SPEDSM-68435 | Profile: Special Education/Placement | When a student's primary disability is set as Did Not Qualify (DNQ) on the IEPs, the following fields on the Special Education/Placement profile would be empty
SPEDSM-108447 | Document: Section 504 Plan | A new Section 504 Plan document has been created under the Section 504 Plan Template Category. |
SPEDSM-90519 | Special Education Profile Changes | The special education flag will only be cleared in the Special Education Profile when a student exits and returns to Regular Education or passes away. The Events profile will automatically capture this action. |
SPEDSM-106284 | STARS – Special Education Snapshot Report | Modified the report to exclude students who are twice exceptional and have a “G” being reported. |