Ohio eSchoolPLUS Write-Back - 504 Program Tracking
Reg_Personal.Section_504_Plan and Reg_Program OH617
Updates Reg_Program table OH617 Field 12
A. Student ID
B. District ID: PS SPED: Global Settings, {ThisDistrict}
C. Program ID = OH617
D. Field Number= 12
E. StartDate
F. Program_Value = Y
G. EndDate
H. Change_Date_Time
I. Change_UID=SPED (Default)
J. Program_Override = N (default)
K. Summer_School=N (default)Updates Reg_Personal.Section_504 field with Y
eSchoolPLUS Student Personal Page

PowerSchool Student Profile / Section 504

WriteBack Logic
When {Five04Eligibility} = (Field #2) YES and {Section504EligMeetingDate} Report a Y, else N.
Reg_Program OH617
When {Five04Eligibility} (Field #2) = YES and {Section504EligMeetingDate} (Field #1) is populated and there is NO active Program OH617 record:
Create the OH617 record with Field 12
Program_Value = Y
StartDate= {Section504EligMeetingDate}
Add all other relevant fields listed one page 1 (e.g., changedate)
When {Five04Eligibility} (Field #2) = YES and {Section504EligMeetingDate} (Field #1) is populated and there IS an active Program OH617 record:
Do NOT update the Start date as this should be the original start date on when the student started 504 program. Note: PS SPED updates the Section504EligMeetingDate with the latest meeting but that will not always be the eSP StartDate
Update all other relevant fields listed one page 1 (e.g., changedate)
When {Five04Eligibility} (Field #2) = NO and there is no existing eSP Program OH617 record do not do anything.
When {Five04Eligibility} (Field #2) = NO and there IS an active eSP Program OH617 record:
Update the eSP EndDate (Field G) with {Section504EligMeetingDate}.
eSP Program_Value remains Yes