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Ohio eSchoolPLUS Write-Back - IEP Status

Student Profile or Special Education Information

ASE (or SE) – ASE(or SE) - Reports the value when the student is eligible for special education EligibleStatus (A) = Eligible (Keyword Table=EligibilityStatus = E01) and {SpecialEdExitDate} (B) is blank or greater than currentdate.
ISE – Reports ISE when the special education reason {SpecialEdExitReason (C) ExitReasonTable Codes = C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C10, C13, C14, C15,
DNQ – Reports DNQ when the special education reason {SpecialEdExitReason} (C) ExitReasonTable Code = C12
504 – Reports 504 when Student is Eligible under 504  {Five04Eligibility} value = Yes and Section 504 Exit Date {Section504ExitDate} is blank or greater than currentdate.
I504 – Reports I504 when Section 504 Exit Date  {Section504ExitDate} is >= currentdate

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