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Ohio eSchoolPLUS Write-Back - Special Ed Status

Special Education Status

  1. When the student qualifies for Special Education, and there is NO ACTIVE Special Education status in eSchoolPLUS, the integration process creates a record.  When Eligibility = Eligible {EligibleStatus} = E01 (Keyword Table EligibilityStatus), sets Status Description = Special Education, use the Re-evaluation Most Recent Date {ReEvalDate} as the start date. End date is blank.

  2. When the student is in Special Education and is found to qualify no longer, (there is an ACTIVE special education status in eSchoolPLUS).  When Eligibility = Not Eligible {EligibleStatus} <> E01, reports the  Special Education Exit Date {SpecialEdExitDate} as the end date.

Section 504 Status

  1. When there is NO ACTIVE Section 504 status in eSchoolPLUS, the integration process creates a record.  When the Student is Eligible under 504 is Yes, {Five04Eligibility} = YES (Keyword Table 'Five04Eligibility'), it sets the Status Description = Section 504 and uses the Date of Section 504 Eligibility Meeting {Section504EligMeetingDate} as the start date. The End date is blank.

  2. When the student is found to no longer qualify for the 504 program (there is an ACTIVE 504 status in eSchoolPLUS):  When the Student is Eligible under 504 is No, it uses the Section 504 Exit Date {Section504ExitDate} as the end date.

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