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SPSM-OH_21.4.1.0 Release Notes

Ohio Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-32238District Letterhead

Updated the following forms to use the Globals:

  • Section 504 Plan [Five04Plan]
  • Section 504 Written Notice [WNC]
  • Parent Rights [ParentRigh]
  • Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review [504Manifes]
  • Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information [AREI]
  • Section 504 - Eligibility [Five04Elig]
  • Section 504 Written Notice [504WNotice]
  • Section 504 - Initial Consent [504Consent]
SPEDSM-32032Docusign - Multiple Forms
  • Added DocuSign form behavior option to the form Properties area to allow the administrator to enable or disable DocuSign on the following forms:
    • Parent Invitation Letter
    • Parent/Guardian Excusal
    • Release of Information
    • Prior Written Notice to Parents
    • Referral for Evaluation
    • Attempts to Obtain Parent Participation
  • Added the ability for staff (look-up only) to sign.
  • DocuSign is now available on Review as well as Final.
  • Added the state form number to the form label. For example, "Parent Invitation PR-02" in the document listing.
SPEDDEV-18021eSchoolPLUS Export: eSchoolPLUS Export EMIS (Plus360DistrictDefined)

Fixed an issue where errors were appearing in the log.


For new IEP's created after the release is deployed:

  • Signature Page: Removed the Office Use Only area that appeared for Initial meetings or Annual meetings where the LRE value was different from the profile to the IEP.
  • Created a new Office Use Only flyout. The section will report the Consent Yes/No Response and Consent Date values. The Consent value and Consent Date fields will appear for Initial IEP’s. The Consent value and Consent Date fields will appear for Annual’s/Review other than Annual Review if the LRE on the IEP form is different from the LRE on the Special Education profile. Added a Document Delivery method and delivery date. Upon finalization of the form, it will create a record in the Document Delivery profile. A red guidance statement appears to guide the user in completing the meeting outcome.
  • When checking Consent = Yes on the Office Use Only section, the form will flow the LRE value such as IE13 as the EMIS outcome on the EMIS/Special Ed profile.
  • When checking Consent = No Response on the Office Use Only section, the form will flow an outcome value of IENS to the EMIS/Special Ed profile. Also, the Special Ed Exit Date will flow from the IEP meeting date. The Special Ed Exit Reason reports an IENS.
  • When checking Revocation of Consent on the PWN section within the IEP, upon finalization, it will:
  • Create the EMIS record with an outcome of IEPR.
  • Flow the PWN date to the Special Ed Exit Date.
  • Flow the Special Ed Exit Reason of IEPR.
  • Update the Eligible value to “Eligible, Parent Refuses.”
  • Clear the disability value.
  • Checking Due Process Hearing on the PWN section within the IEP creates an EMIS outcome of IEDP.
  • A warning will appear when finalizing the IEP if the user did not select a Consent value or indicate revoke or due process on the PWN form. These values determine the EMIS outcome value.
  • A warning will appear when finalizing the IEP if the user selected a Consent value and indicating a revoke or due process on the PWN form. 
SPEDSM-40430IEP, Transfer Notification and Services Plan
  • Created a behavior option named UseTransitionGoalWizard in the IEP. Do not select the "Apply to existing non-final documents" checkbox.
  • Removed the Global option labeled “Transition Goal Wizard Enabled.” The forms will now use the setting within the form.
SPEDSM-39519IEP: IEP at a Glance
  • Updated the IEP at a Glance to include the following services:
    • Assistive Technology
    • Service(s) to Support Medical Needs
  • IEP at a Glance now includes Parents 3 and 4 and also verifies the "Receives Letters" fields for Parents 1 through 4.
SPEDSM-41511IEP: Progress Report
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to edit a previously entered progress note. Only the user who entered the progress note shall be able to edit the progress note.
  • When using the Graph option, users can now report progress for goals as well as objectives. Added the ability to enter progress date, progress key drop-down, and comments.
SPEDSM-32481Invitation Letter
  • Fixed an issue where a user would get an error when trying to print Invitation Letters in bulk.
  • Updated the letter to include the parents'/guardians’ addresses.
SPEDSM-38214Languages Keyword Table

The keyword table is now admin-editable.

SPEDSM-37290Parent Consent for Evaluation PR-05 Form
  • Updated the form to be more aligned with the state's guidance.
  • If DocuSign support is enabled, there will now be a checkbox next to Part 1 and Part 2 so that the users can select a parent's name and print for the parent to sign and select if they consent or not.
SPEDSM-36171Preschool Evaluation Planning Form PR-06

Updated the form to be better aligned with the state’s guidance.

SPEDSM-40684Prior Written Notice

Updated the form to allow long text boxes to be translatable.

SPEDSM-39706Profile: Disability History
  • Added a new profile labeled "Disability History" populated by a daily script process and not manually maintained by the user.
  • Added a new script named "Insert/Update Historical Disability Profile." The script will identify the student's ETR Most Recent Date. Upon initial run of the script, it will create a record using the ETR Most Recent Date as the start date. When that date changes and the disability has changed, the script will end the current disability using the day before that date. It will create a new disability using the ETR Most Recent as the start date if the student is still eligible. If the student is no longer eligible, the disability end date will populate with the ETR Most Recent date.
SPEDSM-36272Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation
  • Added the ability to enable DocuSign.
  • The Parents'/Guardians' Names are no longer editable.
  • Added a non-lookup for the meeting location.
  • Updated the descriptions for the following keywords in the MeetingPurpose504 keyword table:
    • C1: Review of eligibility
    • C2: Discuss misconduct/infraction as it relates to disability
    • C3: Discuss referral of your child for possible 504 eligibility
    • C4: Review and discuss your child's present educational status
    • C5: Discuss evaluation/reevaluation results/504 eligibility
  • Separate letters will be printed if the contacts live at different addresses.
    Note to administrators: This option can be enabled/disabled through Globals > Generate Separate Letters option.
  • Per state requirements, the student will not be included in this form.
  • Added the District letterhead.
SPEDSM-27148Section 504 - Plan
  • Updated the DocuSign area. Any of the four parents who are marked to receive letters can be selected for signing.
  • Only Parents, and not students or staff, can now sign the form.
SPEDSM-35105Services Plan PR-07
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to edit a previously entered progress note.
    Note: A progress note can only be edited by the user who entered it initially.
  • When using the Graph option, users can now report progress for goals as well as objectives. Added the ability to enter progress date, progress key drop-down, and comments.
SPEDSM-41517Transfer Notification
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to edit a previously entered progress note.
    Note: A progress note can only be edited by the user who entered it initially.
  • When using the Graph option, users can now report progress for goals as well as objectives. Added the ability to enter progress date, progress key drop-down, and comments.
  • Users can now manually copy from other documents in the same template.
SPEDSM-36955URL Update

Updated the URL in the following forms due to a change by the Ohio State DOE:

  • Transfer Notification
  • Services Plan PR-07
  • Individualized Education Program
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