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SPSM-OH_21.8.1.0 Release Notes

Ohio Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-40685504 Eligibility & 504 Profile

Updated the following changes to the 504 Plan:

  • Removed the Disability drop-down list in question 1, "Does the student have a physical....."
  • Removed the requirement to add meeting participants.

Updated the following changes to the 504 Profile:

  • Removed the Disability row, label, and drop-down list.
  • Removed the Five04Disabilities keyword table as it is not used.
SPEDSM-45954504 Plan

Updated the form to add the ability to sign electronically.

SPEDSM-41227504 Plan

Made the following changes to the 504 Plan:

  • Updated the form to display all parents'/guardians' names where the Receives Letters checkbox is selected.
  • Added a new form behavior option to the Properties area labeled "EnableRemoteSigning." When the value is selected, a textbox appears in the Signature area. This textbox can be used for remote meetings where DocuSign/e-Signature is not enabled.
  • Removed the "Follow up Meeting Date” field and label.
  • Relabeled "When/How Progress Will be Reviewed and Assessed" to "Location."
  • Removed the requirement to add meeting participants.
SPEDSM-33925504 Written Notice/Consent

Updated the following changes to the 504 Written Notice/Consent document:

  • Added DocuSign/Digital signature form behavior option.
  • Added a blank space between "I have received a copy" and "I consent" checkboxes as they are not related.
  • Updated the form to show all four parents'/guardians' if the "Receives letters" checkbox is selected.

Updated the following changes to the ETR form:

  • Updated to display a required textbox if the staff selected does not have a position on the Individual Evaluation Assessments section (1).
  • The Agree or Disagree checkboxes are no longer editable on the Signatures section.
  • Removed the validation “Please specify at least one ETR Form Status” on the Student Information section.
  • ETR Form status must be selected before the form can be set to Review or Final.

Fixed an issue in the IEP Goals section where the newly created Goal Subjects label did not appear in the "Goals - Select" drop-down value.

SPEDSM-46805IEP Amendments - AIEP EMIS Records

Updated the IEP form to create an AIEP EMIS record in the EMIS profile only when the Outcome ID, IEP Test Type, Secondary Planning element, or Graduation Requirements profile data has changed.

SPEDSM-44911IEP Progress Reporting

Updated the IEP Progress Report to no longer copy progress notes from a previous IEP.

SPEDSM-43822Invitation Letter
  • Updated the letter to display the Parent/Guardian Signature area. 
  • When the Globals Separate Letters value is selected, the student’s age will be calculated based on the meeting date to determine whether the student appears on the letter or not.
SPEDSM-43145Keyword Tables & Demographic Profile
  • Lineages: Added a new value VIII. Changed word descriptions to letters (for example, the Third to III). The table is now admin-editable.
  • GradeTable: The table is now admin-editable.
  • CalendarTrackTable: The table is now admin-editable.
  • Information/Demographics Profile: Changed the label Lineage to Suffix.
SPEDSM-44865Special Education Profile: LRE Outcome

Fixed an issue where the options in the drop-down list for LRE Outcome ID were truncated in edit mode when any text has parenthesis.
For example, in the Regular Early Childhood Program (More than 10 hours), most services are not in EC (IE55). In Edit mode, it displays as Regular Early Childhood Program).

SPEDSM-42675Student Contacts Integration

When a student’s parent/contact is removed from the PowerSchool SIS, that contact is also removed from the Information/Demographics section of the Student Profile.

SPEDSM-43356Student Demographic Parent/Guardian Custody Value

Fixed an issue where the Has Custody value was not correctly set in the Demographics section of the Student Profile.

SPEDSM-43878Transfer Notification NIEP

Updated to flow the Secondary Planning element, Not Applicable, to the EMIS profile NIEP value upon finalization of the form.

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