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SPSM-OH_22.1.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: January 31, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-691504 Profile and 504 Eligibility Form

Updated the following changes to the 504 Profile and the 504 Eligibility Form:

  • Profile/Section 504
    • Relabeled Re-Evaluation Date to Re-Evaluation Due Date.
    • The Reevaluation Due Date is three years minus one day from the Section 504 Eligibility Meeting Date and will be displayed only if the student is eligible and the Section504 Exit Date is empty.
  • 504 Eligibility Form
    • Changed the header from 504 Eligibility to 504 Evaluation.
    • Added a signature column to the Participant section.
SPEDSM-32450Attempts to Obtain Parent Participation
  • Changed the form name to Attempts to Obtain Parent Participation OP-9.
  • Added Statement Bank functionality to the Outcome field.
SPEDSM-46909BIP Icon

Student profiles with an active BIP document will display the BIP icon next to the student’s name or ID. They are updated once a day.

The BIP icon will be removed if the Follow-up date for any active BIP documents has passed.

Note: This will be updated once a day at approximately 4 a.m.

SPEDSM-32693Demographics profile

Removed the field labeled Remove Student Served by 504 Plan from the Demographics profile since the IS_504 profile tag or icon has replaced this functionality.

SPEDSM-54690Digital Signature

Added Digital Signature functionality to the following documents:

  • Section 504 category:
    • Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information
    • Section 504 Behavior Intervention Plan
    • Section 504 - Eligibility
    • Section 504 Functional Behavior Assessment
    • Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review
  • Discipline/behavior category:
    • Manifestation Determination Review
    • Parent Consent for Functional Behavior Assessment
  • Eligibility category:
    • ETR School Age Planning Form PR-06
    • Referral for Evaluation
  • Letters and notices category:
    • Parent/Guardian Excusal OP-5 
      Note: Parent or Guardians 2, 3, and 4 are now included if they have Receives Letters enabled.
  • Student plans category:
    • Services Plan PR-07
  • Other category:
    • Preschool Transition Conference
    • Summary of Performance
SPEDSM-52070eSchoolPLUS Student IEPStatus (studentIEPStatus) report

Students who exited with exit code C11 (ETEX - Exiting Special Education) will now be included in the eSchoolPLUS Student IEPStatus (studentIEPStatus) report.

SPEDSM-54053Evaluation Team Report
  • When using electronic signature, the signature dates for Parents, Student, Staff, and the Evaluator will be pre-populated with the ETR meeting date to avoid any potential compliance issues. Those dates will not be editable during the electronic signature process.
  • Added Non-lookup functionality for the Evaluator’s signature.
SPEDSM-52198Evaluation Team Report (ETR) PR-06

Increased the width of the Date column when using Digital Signature in the Signatures section.

SPEDSM-52197Evaluation Team Report (ETR) PR-06
  • Fixed an issue with Digital Signature (in the Send document for digital signature pop-up window) so users can provide an email ID for staff participants added using the non-lookup functionality.
  • Staff added using the non-lookup functionality will be able to sign the document digitally.
SPEDSM-42755Exit Reason

Fixed an issue where the School Exit Reason (on the Student Info/Demographics profile) and the Special Education Exit Reason (on the Special Education Information profile) displayed values that were marked as InUse=No in the ExitReasonTable keyword table.

SPEDSM-49559 GRTestAreas keyword table
  • Removed Writing (W) from graduation requirements as per Ohio EMIS guidelines.
  • Updated the GRTestAreas keyword table to reflect this change.

Added Digital Signature functionality to the Amendments table on the IEP cover page.
Note: If Digital Signature/DocuSign is being used, existing unfinalized Amendment IEPs with participants in the Amendments table need to be updated by:

  • Copying the existing Participant & Role values and pasting those values into new blank fields (available in the same box).
  • Deleting the original values by clicking on the X to the left of each name.
  • Changed the name of the document to Individualized Education Program (IEP). Users can now type "IEP" in the student document selection list to quickly find it.
  • Updated the web link for Ohio AASCD Participation Criteria 2014 in the LRE/Assessment section.

Added the ability to provide an Annual Review Due Date Override date on the IEP cover page.
Note: This option is disabled by default and can be enabled by administrators.


Fixed an issue where users encountered a system-level error when finalizing or re-finalizing an IEP with a corresponding record in the EMIS profile. When users finalize or re-finalize an IEP, the EMIS profile record will be updated if a pre-existing record has the same type or date. Otherwise, a new record will be added to the EMIS profile.

SPEDSM-54361Parent Consent for Functional Behavior Assessment

Added a new form named Parent Consent for Functional Behavior Assessment to the Discipline/behavior category.

SPEDSM-52747Parent Invitation PR-02

Fixed issues with Digital signature that users encountered when selecting the checkboxes and signing the document.

SPEDSM-55360Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review

Removed the second question (Was the conduct a direct result of the School District's failure to implement the Section 504 Plan) from the form to remain legally compliant.

SPEDSM-52680Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation

Fixed an issue with Digital Signature where parents could not select an option from the available checkboxes.

SPEDSM-51218Section 504 - Plan

Changed the Date of Anticipated Review from a user-provided date to be only a calculated date (one year minus one day from the Date of Section 504 Accommodation Plan).

SPEDSM-45869Section 504 Functional Behavior Assessment

Added a new form named Section 504 Functional Behavior Assessment to the Section 504 category.

SPEDSM-53970Services Plan PR-07
  • When creating a new document as a copy of an existing document, the following fields will not be copied to the new document:

    • Progress Report
      Note: The Goals will be copied, but the progress for each goal will not be copied.

    • The Check when complete checkboxes for the following fields:

      • Goals/Objectives

      • Services

      • Assessments

      • Exemptions

      • Participants

      • Signatures

    • Meeting Date, Meeting Type, and Start/End SP Effective Dates (found on the Cover page)

    • Meeting Participants

    • Signatures

  • Assessment section:

    • Fixed the web link for Ohio AASCD Participation Criteria 2014

    • Fixed a typo in the 2020 link (AACSD → AASCD)

  • Updated the web link for Ohio AASCD Participation Criteria 2014 in the Assessments section.

SPEDSM-54146Transfer Notification
  • An EMIS record of NIEP type created by a Transfer Notification document will now always show the actual value for Outcome instead of “****.”
  • Updated the web link for Ohio AASCD Participation Criteria 2014 in the Statewide Testing Section.
SPEDSM-45871Section 504 Behavior Intervention Plan

Added a new form named Section 504 Behavior Intervention Plan to the Section 504 category.

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