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SPSM-OH_23.7.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: July 21, 2023



Release Note


Add Extended School Year (ESY) Services to Transfer Notification

  • Added ESY Services to the Transfer Notification document.

  • Added data flow for the ESY Services from the Transfer Notification document to Special Education Records and EMIS student profiles.

  • The data flow includes both TIEPs and NIEPs events.


DisabilityCatgories Keyword Table

Modified the keyword description for Developmental Delay (Pre-school only) to Developmental Delay.


ETR School Age Planning Form PR-06

  • Added Digital Signature functionality for students 18 years old and above.

  • Created a behavior option called Student Signature to display the signature line for adult students.


Evaluation Team Report (ETR) PR-06

Modified the logic used for classifying the students as Developmental Delay in the Eligibility section. Students up to 9 years old can now be classified under the Developmental Delay category. Previously, it was only for students up to 5 years old.


Evaluation Team Report (ETR) PR-06

Updated to flow the data from the ETR PR-06 document Date of Meeting to the Special Education Exit Date when the response is NO for any of the three statements displayed under Eligibility Determination.


IEP Cover Page Section

Added a new checkbox option labeled NO to the question, Will the child be 14 before the end of this IEP? This checkbox will now be automatically selected if the child is over 14 years old before the end of the current IEP. Previously, this checkbox option was not available.


IEP Document Cover Page

Resolved an issue where the IEP End date field would accept a date less than the IEP Start Date.


IEP Extended School Year (ESY) Data Flow to Student Profile

  • Resolved an issue where data would not flow for the ESY field from the IEP document to the student's Special Education Records profile.

  • Added a one-time script to update the ESY column for the IEP documents created between July 1st, 2021 and September 30th, 2022.


IEP Progress Report

  • Resolved an issue where staff could not edit the progress report entries made by others. 

  • Added repeating rows for entering additional progress reports for each Measurable Objectives or Benchmarks.

  • Created a behavior option called Progress Report Editable to allow the staff to edit the progress report entries made by others.


IEP Signature Page - Meeting Types

Modified the IEP signature page to allow the staff to select only one of the following IEP meeting types in the consent area:

  • Initial IEP

  • IEP Annual Review

  • IEP Review (Change of Placement)


Individualized Education Program (IEP) Corrects for Amendments

Resolved an issue in the IEP amendment document where the signature page data would not retain from previous amendments.


Individualized Education Program (IEP) Corrects for Amendments

Resolved an issue in the IEP amendment documents where parents were forced to sign in multiple consent areas using the digital signature functionality.


Parent/Guardian Excusal OP-5

Added digital signature functionality for students 18 years old and above.


Report: Special Education Records

Modified the report logic for Special Education Records to get the latest EMIS records. Previously, the system was only displaying EMIS records for previous reporting periods.


Section 504 - Eligibility

Changed the field names on the back end for Parent or Guardian to Father and Mother. It allowed the correct relationship to display for each.


Transfer Notification

  • Removed the error displayed while finalizing the Transfer Notification document when the Date of Meeting is similar to the Event Date of an already existing Transfer Notification.

  • It now updates the Transfer Notification document successfully when the Date of Meeting is similar to the Event Date, which was earlier not allowed.

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