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SPSM-ON_22.8.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: August 30, 2022



Release Note


Curriculum Updates

Updated curriculum for the following grades:

  • Grade 9 Math

  • Kindergarten


Digital Signature

Added Digital Signature for the following documents:

  • Attachment to Ontario Report Card 1-4 section in IEP

  • Confirmation of Continued Ident. and Placement

  • Cover Page section in IEP

  • Informed Consent

  • Letter of Invitation

  • Positive Behavior Support Plan

  • Request/Consent for Student Support Services

  • SEA Claim Form

  • SLP - Speech Consultation Report

  • Statement of Decision

  • Student Growth Plan


Gender Keyword Table

Added the following entries to the Gender Keyword Table:

  • Prefer not to Disclose (N)

  • Prefer to Specify (S)


IEP Accommodations

Modified the layout for Instructional, Environmental, and Assessment accommodations from vertical to horizontal.


IEP Placement

Modified the data flow for the Placement field from student profile to the IEP.


 Positive Behaviour Support Plan

Separated the Positive Behaviour Support Plan into the following two documents:

  • Positive Behaviour Support Plan

  • Safety Plan


PowerSchool Export report

Fixed an issue where un-finalizing a Statement of Decision document, editing the exceptionality drop-down list of any record, and finalizing it again would lead to duplicates in the SP Enrolment child profile and PowerSchool Export report.


SEA Claim Form

Modified the document to display the office use section for the principal, and other staff users to sign printed copies of the document.


Special Education Profile

Removed IEP Due Date from the Special Education Profile.


Student Profile

Added an email field to the student profile so that they can be sent documents for digitally signing them.

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