SPSM-ON_23.8.1.0 Release Notes
Date of Release: August 24, 2023
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
SPEDSM-84095 | Confirmation of Continued Identification and Placement Document | The Confirmation of Continued Identification and Placement (IPRCIP) document no longer requires users to complete the staff use-only section before finalizing the document. |
SPEDSM-55905 | IEP Data Flow | The Date Annual Review Waived value will no longer flow to the profile when the IEP is finalized. |
SPEDSM-53625 | IEP Field Properties | Removed the following field property for the Primary Exceptionality and Placement fields:
SPEDSM-84022 | Staff Profile | The staff name is now editable in the Staff profile. |
SPEDSM-83770 | Student Contacts | Corrected the duplication of Student Contacts through the data integration process. |
SPEDSM-81707 | SPEnrollments Script | Updated the script to correct errors that would occur. |
SPEDSM-80052 | IEP | Updated the IEP to correct an issue where all courses did not flow to the Report to Teachers section, and the program type displays as AC instead of ALT. |
SPEDSM-79583 | Professional Report | Added the date fields in the signature panel when digital signature is disabled. |
SPEDSM-79532 | Special Education Exit Date and Notes - New report |
SPEDSM-77858 | IEP | When the Principal name is updated on the Location (School) profile, the IEP will refresh the Principal name as soon as the IEP document is opened. |
SPEDSM-75006 | Consent to Exchange Personal Student Information | The student signature area now appears at all times, regardless of age. The user can set the student as Opt-out to hide the student name if not applicable. |
SPEDSM-70112 | IEP | Added an additional text field above comments for the SEA Equipment list in the IEP, section Sources/Strengths/Accommodations/Assessments. When the text box is blank, it will be suppressed on print. |
SPEDSM-64074 | Letter of Invitation | Updated the date form on the document to be made as detailed with MMMM,DD, YYYY. |
SPEDSM-64073 | IEP Transition Plan | The Persons Responsible list is now editable. |
SPEDSM-52895 | Invitation Letter | The Administrator is now permitted to disable the section action called Exceptionality Rules. |
SPEDSM-64075 | IEP | Added an additional text field above comments for the SEA Equipment list in the IEP, section Sources/Strengths/Accommodations/Assessments. When the text box is blank, it will be suppressed on print. |