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SPSM-OR_22.11.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: November 17, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-70637Changes to IEP & Section 504 Flags

Modified the logic for the display of IEP and Section 504 flags for a student as follows:

  • Students of active school age without an exit date for special education will be flagged for IEP.
  • Removed the 504 Annual Review Date Calculation.
  • Students with parental consent for the 504 Plan, appropriate implementation, and exit dates will have the 504 flag set.
SPEDSM-70833Updates to SECC and Child Find Layouts
  • Made the following changes with respect to SECC and Child Find layouts:
    • Removed all seven Talented and Gifted (TAG) Flags and instead added a single TAG Flag.
    • Removed American Indian Tribal Enrollment Number.
    • Added an Additional Language Code.
  • Updated the following reports to be compliant with the preceding changes:
    • Child Find Report for Curr. School Year_PSSP MODEL
    • June Exit Collection for the CurrSchYr
    • December 1 Census Current School Year_PSSP MODEL
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