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SPSM-OR_23.11.1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: November 7, 2023



Release Note


Autism Spectrum Disorder Eligibility document

Updated the Autism Spectrum Disorder section of the Oregon Eligibility document. Questions 7, 9, and 10 now state Not Needed for this evaluation instead of Not needed at this time.


Autism Spectrum Disorder Eligibility document

Question 8 of the Autism Spectrum Disorder section of the Oregon Eligibility document now includes a section for Hearing Screening. This section will have fields for Examiner, Date Conducted, and Date Reviewed.


Census Data Profile

Fixed an issue where editing the Special Education profile changed the SpEd Record Type from Exited to Active on the Census Data Profile.


Deaf Blindness Eligibility Document

Added a section for Deaf-Blindness to the Oregon Eligibility document to include changes provided by the Oregon Department of Education.


Deaf or Hard of Hearing Eligibility Document

Added a section to the Oregon Eligibility document for Deaf or Hard of Hearing to include changes provided by the Oregon Department of Education.


Oregon IEP: Annual IEP Review Date

Updated the Annual IEP Review Date calculation in the Oregon IEP to account for leap years.


Orthopedic Impairment Eligibility Document

Added a section in the Oregon Eligibility document for Orthopedic Impairment to include changes provided by the Oregon Department of Education.


Specific Learning Disability

Fixed an issue on the Specific Learning Disability section of the Oregon Eligibility document. When a student had 'does not' qualify selected, it required a subject area and RTI or PSW model to be selected under Eligibility Criteria.


Traumatic Brain Injury Eligibility Document

Added a section in the Oregon Eligibility document for Traumatic Brain Injury to include changes provided by the Oregon Department of Education.


Vision Impairment Eligibility Document

Added a section to the Oregon Eligibility document for Vision Impairment to include changes provided by the Oregon Department of Education.

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