Model Description
This document describes the PowerSchool Special Programs Pennsylvania (PA) state model and provides appropriate documentation to facilitate the sales, implementation, and support for this product.
When there is a software menu path link in a section, you can click that link to navigate to the corresponding location in your model software, provided you have the proper login and security access.
Modules Available
The following modules are available and are individually licensed:
Special Education
Response to Intervention (RtI)
Section 504
English Language Learners (ELL)
Gifted and Talented
Service Capture
Document Templates
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Document Templates
The PA state model includes the following document templates:
Section 504
Section 504 - Plan
Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation
Section 504 - Eligibility
Section 504 - Manifestation Determination Review
Parents Rights
Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information
Written Notice/Consent
School Age
Initial Evaluation PWN and Consent
Permission to Evaluate (Request form)
Reevaluation PWN and Consent
Permission to Reevaluate (Request form)
Evaluation Report
Reevaluation Report
Invitation Letter
Agreement to Waive Reevaluation
Notice of Recommended Educ. Placement (NOREP)
Summary of Student Performance
School Age Procedural Safeguards
Positive Behavior Support Plan
School Age IEP
Manifestation Determination Review
IEP Meeting Waiver
Functional Behavioral Assessment
Permission to Evaluate
Notice of Intent to Reevaluate
Invitation to Participate in a Gifted Team Meeting
Notice of Recommended Assignment (NORA)
Gifted Written Report (GWR)
Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP)
Preschool Early Intervention
Preschool Early Intervention Letters
Preschool Early Intervention Notice of EdPlacement
Preschool Early Intervention Evaluation Report
Preschool Early Intervention Re-evaluation Report
Preschool Early Intervention IFSP/IEP
Preschool Early Intervention Procedural Safeguards
Preschool Early Intervention Program Contract
Infant Toddler
Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Letters
Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Evaluation Rpt
Infant/Toddler Early Intervention IFSP/IEP
Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Service Monitor
Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Provider Monitor
Placement Forms
ELL Home Language Survey
ELL Standardized Testing Accommodations
RtI Process
Parent Letter for Intervention (Entrance)
Parent/Guardian Invite High School
Parent/Guardian Invite Elem & MS
Student Interview (For Students 10 & Older)
Student Observation Form (RTI)
Developmental & Social History
Group Instruction Plan Record
Individual Instruction Plan
Tier III Meeting Request
Initial Tier III Meeting Summary
Tier III Instructional Plan
Parent Letter Intervention (Exit)
Entry Withdrawal Change
ADD-ON Health Record
ADD-ON Tracking Form
Medical Assistance Program Billing Notice
Medical Assistance Program Billing Consent
File-Based Security [Files-Only]
Profile Types
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Profile Types
The PA state model includes the following profile types:
Class Student Roster
Class Staff Roster
Class General Ed Roster
Class General Ed Roster
Time Units/Conversions
Last Year
PA Model Configuration Options
Alternate Staff Locations
Class Staff Roster
Service Records
Alternate Staff Locations
Demographics/Enrollment/Contact Info
Transition Services
Penn Data
Section 504
ELL Student Demographics/Academic History
Student ELL/ESOL Data
ELL Testing Profile
RTI - Grades
Areas Of Concern
Contact Records
Document Delivery
Elem Grades
Program Modifications
Related Services
Service Records
Sp Enrollment
Support Services
Student Contacts
Model Reports
The PA state model includes the following reports:
Standard Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, and then Standard Reports
Accommodation Reports
PSSA Accommodations
Bulk Print Reports
Bulk Print Progress Reports
Invitation Letter
Case Management
Case Managers All
Compliance Reports
IEP Workflow Compliance
IEP Workflow Compliance - Annual Review
IEP Workflow Compliance - Reevaluation
DocuSign Status Report
ELL Reports
ELL Students by School & Grade
ELL Students Report
Systemwide Country Report
Systemwide Spoken Languages
eSchoolPLUS 504 Indicator (StudentProgramStatus)
eSchoolPLUS Act16Category (StudentProgramStatus)
eSchoolPLUS Classification (studentClassification)
eSchoolPLUS Export Act 16 Cat DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS Export PASA DistrictDefined
eSchoolPLUS Gifted Status (studentIEPStatus)
eSchoolPLUS GS Gifted (StudentProgramStatus)
eSchoolPLUS GX Gifted (StudentProgramStatus)
eSchoolPLUS GY Gifted (StudentProgramStatus)
eSchoolPLUS PA-SPEC Program (StudentProgramStatus)
eSchoolPLUS Student 504 Status (studentIEPStatus)
eSchoolPLUS Student Disabilities (StudentDisab...)
eSchoolPLUS Student REF Status (studentIEPStatus)
eSchoolPLUS Student SE Status (studentIEPStatus)
Model Reports
Analysis of caseloads by teachers
Annual Reviews Due
Class Rosters
Class Rosters Grouped by Teacher
IEP Due Date Class List
IEP Due Dates
IEP Due Dates By Month (by Teacher)
IEP Workflow Compliance All students
Initial Referral Process
Special Education Data Import
Special Education Student List
Student Demographics
Total population
Penn Data
Penn Data Diagnostic
Student File
Table 14
Table 4A
Table 8A
Table 9A
Penn Data - Leader Formats
Compliance Dates
Staff File
Student Address
Student File Leader Format
Transition Assignments
Unilateral Removal
PIMS Act 16
PIMS Diagnostic
PIMS Special Education Snapshot December
PIMS Special Education Snapshot EOY
PowerSchool Export
PowerSchool Alert Export
PowerSchool Export (SpEnrollment)
PowerSchool Instance TN Fields
PowerSchool PA Gifted Reporting (S_PA_STU_X)
PowerSchool PA State Reporting (S_PA_SEN_SPED_X)
PowerSchool PA State Reporting (S_PA_STU_X)
PIMS Special Education Snapshot December Copy
PIMS Special Education Snapshot EOY Copy
Support Staff
eSchoolPLUS 504 Indicator (StudentProgramStatus)1
eSchoolPLUS Gifted Status (studentIEPStatus) cpy
eSchoolPLUS Student Disabilities 1
PowerSchool Alert Export Copy
PowerSchool Alert Export Copy2
Public Student Reports
EOY Test
Grade 12 IEP students
LRE Category
Reevals w/in next two months
Student IDT
Public District Reports
All Districts
District List
Public Location Reports
All Locations
Public Staff Reports
Public Document Reports
Invalid Progress Report progress codes
Advanced Reports
Software menu path: Reporting, and then Advanced Reports
Tables 1, 2, 3
Keyword Tables
Software menu path: Administration, Configuration, and then Keyword Tables
Keyword table values are primarily populated from state reporting values. It includes race, ethnicity, location, disability, and exit reasons.
The system administrator cannot edit the required fields for state reporting found in the state reporting profiles.
The system administrator can edit those keyword tables not required for state reporting.
The PA state model includes the following editable keyword tables:
Table Name | Description |
AdditlProperties | Contains an entry for each additional property of a record in a record list. |
AssessmentSubjects | Assessment Subjects |
CalendarTracksTable | Calendar tracks for the district are used to define calendar days. |
Certifications | Contains every certification used by the district. |
ClassTypeTable | Indicates all the class types used in a district. It includes (but is not limited to) mainstream, bilingual, basic skills, and special education class types. |
CountryTable | Contains an entry for each country of origin for students. |
CountyTable. | Contains one entry for each county in the state. |
Curriculum | Curriculum |
dailyHoursContact | Daily Hours of Contact |
Distr_LocationTypes | Contains an entry for each district/location type (Local Education Agency or Regional Day School). |
Duration | Duration |
EducPlanWaiverTable | Contains an entry for each educational plan waiver (length of the academic day) used in the district. |
EligibilityCatgories | Contains the special education eligibility categories. |
ELLTier | Tiers for ELL |
EmploymentActivities | Table for Employment field on the Student Transition Services section of School Age IEP. |
ESOLAltProgram | ESOL Alternative Programs |
ESOLEngProf | ESOL English Proficiency |
EthnicTable | Contains an entry for each ethnic designation. |
EvaluationTool | Evaluation Tool |
ExitReasonTable | Contains an entry for each reason a student may exit a program or end enrollment. |
FrequencyGIEP | Frequencies used on the GIEP |
FrequencyPlanRTI | Frequency of RTI Plan |
FundingType | Contains an entry for each type of funding used by the district. |
GenPurpClasses | Supports the "Classes" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpDistricts | Supports the "Districts" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpLocations | Supports the "Locations" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpPersonnel | Supports the "Personnel" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GenPurpStudents | Supports the "Students" grid on the "General Purpose Field Status Report." Contains an entry for each field that might appear in the grid. |
GoalSubjects | Goal Subjects |
GradeTable | Contains an entry for each grade. |
GuardianRlationTable | Contains an entry for each type of guardian a student may have. |
HairColorTable | Delineates hair possibilities. |
HomeInstructionBy | Contains an entry for each entity that can place a student in home instruction. |
IEPReasons | Contains an entry for each reason for performing a student's special education evaluation. |
IEPTypeTable | Contains the types of IEPs. |
IndependentActivity | Table for Independent Living field on the Student Transition Services section of School Age IEP. |
InDistMunicipalities | Contains the names of all the constituent municipalities of the district. |
InstModel | Model of Instruction |
InstructionActivity | Table for Postsecondary Education and Training field on the Student Transition Services section of School Age IEP. |
Instructional_Level | Elementary, Secondary, Post-Sec |
InstructionSettings | Contains an entry for each instructional setting (for example, self-contained). |
Lang_Instr_Testing | Contains an entry for each language of instruction or for testing recognized by the state. |
MarkingPeriodTable | Delineates the marking periods in use by a school district. |
MeetingPurpose | Meeting Purpose |
MeetingPurpose504 | Section 504 - Meeting Notice and Invitation |
Methods | Methods |
NativeLanguageTable | Contains an entry for each native language. |
OperatingTypeTable | Contains an entry for each state-recognized district operating type. |
ParentResponses | Parent Responses |
PersonnelPositions | Contains an entry for each position an employee may have. |
Positions | Other Special Ed Services Positions |
Presentation_ELL | Presentation Accommodations |
ProgramTable | Contains an entry for every program. This includes special education, bilingual, basic skills, and mainstream programs. |
ProgressIndicators | Progress Indicators |
ProgressMonitoringSchedule | Progress Monitoring Schedule Choices |
Response_ELL | ELL Response Accommodations |
RTIGroupNamesTable | RTI Group Names Table |
ServicesTable | Contains an entry for every service (like related, supportive) recognized by the state. |
Setting_ELL | ELL Setting Accommodations |
SpEdEventsTable | Contains an entry for any special education "item" which needs tracking. Used to define entries for multi-value fields. |
StateAssessment | State assessments |
StateTable | Contains an entry for each state. |
Strategies | Strategies |
SubTestCOGAT | SubtestCOGAT |
SubtestCRCT | SubtestCRCT |
SubtestEOCT | SubtestEOCT |
SubtestGHSGT | SubtestGHSGT |
SubtestGHSWT | SubtestGHSWT |
SubtestGKIDS | Subtest for GKIDS |
SubtestITBS | SubtestITBS |
SubtestTBS_GAKIDS | SubtestITBS and GAKIDS |
SupportedRpts_Scrpts | Contains an entry for all reports (state or otherwise) and scripts supported by this structure. |
SupportsTable | Supports school personnel. |
TeacherArea_JobCodes | Contains an entry for each teacher position recognized by the state. |
TeamMemberPositions | Contains an entry for each position on a special education team. It includes child study, evaluation, and IEP conference teams. |
TestEvaluationType | Contains an entry for the evaluation type/method (For example, registered holistic scoring) of a given test. Each test is evaluated by a method from this table and yields a score (see the "ScoreTypeTable" table). |
TestExemptions | Selections for testing exemptions. |
TestingAccommodations | Testing Accommodations |
Tests_ELL | ELL Tests |
TestTable | The assessment instruments used and their properties. |
TimeFrame | TimeFrame |
TimeTable | Contains an entry for each possible amount of time (For example, full-time) a student can be enrolled, placed, etc. |
TimingScheduling_ELL | Timing Scheduling for ELL |
TypeOfService | Type of Service Table for School Age IEP Section VII. |
TypeOfSupport | Type of Support Table for School Age IEP Section VII. |
Special Features
The following special features enhance the overall PA state model:
State Standards
Revision feature
Active Document
Program icons/flags
IEP Snapshot
Contact Log
DocuSign (limited documents)
Goal Wizard
PS SIS Unlimited Contacts Integration
eSchoolPLUS Unlimited Contacts Integration