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SPSM-PA_21.3.1.0 Release Notes

Pennsylvania Release Dates



Release Note

SPEDSM-25742504 Invitation Letter

Updated the following changes to the 504 Invitation Letter:

  • Generate a separate letter for each parent/guardian when the addresses are different and where the Globals "Separate Letters" checkbox is selected.
  • Changed the format to add parent, address, and salutation in letter format.
  • Changed the letter's top section to match the Invitation Letter's format using the Date Sent, Child's Name, Dear Jane Smith formatting.
  • Added non-lookup option for the "Meeting will be held at" field. Added a comma and text box, non-required. The text box can be used to enter a room number or Zoom link-meeting details.
SPEDSM-1354504 Plan document and 504 Profile
  • Added a new Case Manager field in Section 504 Plan document with bi-directional data flow with a similar new field in the Section 504 profile.
  • Provided a new text area if a user selects any of the following values for "Position Responsible":
    • Any Position not listed here
    • Other Diagnostic Staff
    • Other
  • Removed the Follow-up Meeting date field.
  • Fixed an issue where the "I do not give consent" checkbox was automatically selected when a user created the form.
  • In the Meeting Participants area, added a text box field for participants to type for remote meetings.
    Note: This feature requires that the Administrator enable the 'Enable Remote Login' behavior option.
  • Implemented DocuSign for Non-Lookup staff.
  • Added the ability to copy all fields (except those listed below) from a prior Section 504 Plan form when creating a new Section 504 Plan form:
    • 504 Meeting Date
    • Purpose of Meeting
    • Plan effective dates (From/To)
    • Parent Contact
    • Meeting Participants (should already pull data from the latest 504 invitation letter)
    • I give/I do not give consent checkboxes
    • I have received checkboxes
    • Office Use Only (all data)
    • Case Manager
SPEDDEV-15875eSP Student imports layouts

Added student email to the eSchoolPLUS - Student Demographics Import (model) import layout.

SPEDSM-39784File Attachments

The following documents now can attach files:

  • Gifted Permission to Evaluate
  • Gifted Written Report
  • Notice of Intent to Reevaluate
  • NORA
  • Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information
SPEDSM-31212Gifted Invitation Letter
  • Added non-lookup for the "Meeting will be held at" field.
  • Added footer "Revised April 2014."
  • Repositioned the Date label to the left side above Student Name.
SPEDSM-36362IEP Goal Wizard
  • Created a behavior option named UseGoalWizard in the IEP.
    Note to administrators: Do not select the "Apply to existing non-final documents" checkbox.
  • Removed the Global option labeled, Goal Wizard Enabled. The IEP will now use the setting within the form.
  • Updated the dataflow for "Upon exiting high school, was the student employed in a competitive integrated setting?" to no longer flow from the IEP to the PIMS profile. This value flows will now flow from the Summary of Student Performance.
  • When creating a new IEP, the PIMS profile will update the following fields in the new IEP:
    • Transition IEP Status Code
    • Did the Student participate in a competitive integrated paid work experience?
    • Did the student participate in individual job coaching services funded by the school in a paid work experience?
    • Does the student have an outcome goal of competitive integrated employment?
  • Made minor text/link changes to the following sections:
    • Procedural Safeguards section
    • Meeting Participants section
    • Assessments section
    • Services section

Removed the data flow pulling in the Type of Support Effective Date from the previous IEP form.

SPEDSM-37811IEP - Communication Plan Form

Removed the Communication Plan from within the IEP as it is a new section within the IEP.

SPEDSM-35672IEP and Positive Behavior Support Plan
  • Updated the form, adding the "Address in PBSP" checkbox next to each Service in sections B and C.
  • Updated the following changes in the Positive Behavior Form:
    • When creating the PBSP form, it will pull in only those services with the "address in PBSP" checkbox to the applicable services on the IEP.
    • Added the duration field in all of the areas to match the IEP services section.
    • Removed the second goal within the Goal section.
    • On the Meeting Participants signature area, added a text box non-required and displays the signature text box when DocuSign is Disabled so that when the user is not using DocuSign, and the participants meet remotely (e.g. Zoom), the user can enter words in the signature area stating that the person signed "virtually."
SPEDSM-30280IEP and Profiles
  • Renamed the "Modifications & SDI grid" label to "Address Modification/SDI's" within the IEP Services section.
  • Updated the Related Services, Support Services, and Program Modifications profiles to flow all the IEP form values.
SPEDSM-36534IEP PSSA Participation

Corrected an issue where when the PSSA value is unselected, and the value for PASA is selected, it was flowing 'Religious Exemption' to the Participation in PSSA on the Eligibility profile.

SPEDSM-24515IEP Snapshot

The IEP Snapshot section is no longer required to finalize the IEP form. This will occur for IEP forms created after the SPEDSM_21.3.1.0 release.

SPEDDEV-17206Import Layout "eSchoolPLUS - Student Contact 3 Import"

Fixed the "eSchoolPLUS - Student Contact 3 Import" Import Layout.

SPEDSM-37286Invitation Letter

The Excusal section is no longer required when finalizing the letter. The student will no longer generate a separate letter as this is not a State requirement.


Added the ability to inactivate Locations (schools).


Updated the form as follows:

  • Form is now editable in final.
  • Generate a separate letter for each parent/guardian if the addresses are different.
  • Added the state footer.
  • Added a lookup for buildings, so once selected, the address will appear if the staff does not have a WorksAt associated with their staff record.
  • When signing via DocuSign, the email address is editable.
  • When signing via DocuSign, the "initials" are no longer required.
  • Added a form behavior option labeled "EditableNoticeDate." When the value is "True," the user can type in the superintendent's signature date. When the value is "False," the signature date defaults to the date of the form.
SPEDSM-37805NOREP and NORA forms

Fixed an issue where the NOREP/NORA Date of Receipt value was not flowing to the Eligibility profile due to user security permissions.

SPEDSM-39344NOREP form
  • Changed the data flow for the Special Ed Start Date on the Eligibility Profile. It now flows from Notice of Recommended Educ. Placement (NOREP) PWN Date instead of IEP Special Education Implementation Date, when the action initial checkbox is selected in NOREP.
  • Added a new Parent Initial Consent field to the NOREP document, which flows to a similar new field in the Eligibility profile when the action initial checkbox is selected in NOREP.
SPEDSM-40305Participate in a Gifted Team Meeting
  • Fixed an issue with Invitation to Participate in a Gifted Team Meeting where Parent/Contact names are sometimes not visible in Edit mode.
  • Implemented electronic initials to replace text boxes.
SPEDSM-33842PIMS Diagnostic Report

Updated field 49 to no longer display an error if field 44 is 19, 20, or 21.

SPEDSM-40425PIMS End of Year Report

Updated the PIMS End of Year Report to include students who exited before their annual review meeting was due.

SPEDSM-33652PIMS EOY and December 1 Reports

Removed quote wrapping on some of the fields when the user exports the report.

SPEDSM-36275PIMS Reporting

Updated the following reports to include the new transition questions on the PIMS profile added in the SPSM_21.1.1.0 release:

  • PIMS > PIMS Special Education Snapshot December
  • PIMS > PIMS Special Education Snapshot EOY
  • Penn Data - Leader Formats > Transition Assignments

In the January release (SPSM_21.1.1.0), new Transition questions were added to the PIMS profile. For every student where a transition is applicable, the student's PIMS profile must be manually updated to answer the questions or the IEP can be unlocked, transition questions answered, and re-finalized, which will flow the answers back to the new transition questions on the PIMS profile.
Run the PIMS EOY report as soon as possible to review the missing transition questions for the applicable students as they must be re-answered due to the state change.

SPEDDEV-18049PowerSchool PA State Reporting (S_PA_STU_X)

Updated the PowerSchool PA State Reporting (S_PA_STU_X) export report to clear out the PowerSchool SIS Primary Disability/Challenge Type when the Special_Ed_IEP_Code value on the PIMS profile is N.

SPEDSM-34076Service Provider (PIMS)

Updated the "Set Placement from Projected" script, which was clearing out the Service Provider field on the PIMS profile when the IEP form behavior option labeled "ServiceProvider" is FALSE (Service Provider does not display on the IEP Placement section).

SPEDDEV-18384SIS Imports

Fixed an issue where Class/Course changes in PowerSchool SIS were causing errors when importing to Special Programs.

SPEDSM-40035Staff Caseloads

Update the "NotExited" formula that determines when a student is removed from a staff member's caseload. The calculation was adjusted to remove the student when the student's Enrollment Exit Date is greater than 30 days.

SPEDSM-34802Student Search - PA Secure ID

Added the ability to search by the student's PA Secure ID on the Students-Quick Search Form. The field appears under Grade. A future change will include searching for the student by PA Secure ID on the home page.

SPEDSM-40652Summary of Performance

Updated the form by including a new question in Part 3 regarding exiting high school, was the student employed in a competitive integrated setting. The Yes/No value flows to the PIMS profile. Updated the text on the form to match the new state form.

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