SPSM-PA_24.12.1.0 Release Notes
Date of Release: December 13, 2024
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
SPEDSM-107551 | Eligibility Profile: Team Information | Made the following changes to the Eligibility profile: The Eligibility Profile - Team Information, Members position labels will be displayed from TeamMemberPositions Keyword table. All active entries on the TeamMemberPositions keyword table will be listed under the Members and Dates sections. These changes will ensure that the staff positions listed under Members & Dates are the same.
SPEDSM-91764 | Notice of Recommended Assignment (NORA) | Added data flow to capture parents' responses for “GX-Gifted but does not receive the services” field on the Gifted profile. If parents' responses and e-signatures are captured when the document is in the Review state, they will be updated to the profile only after the document is finalized. If parents' responses and e-signatures are captured when the document is in Final state, the responses will be updated to the profile when all e-signatures are captured. The status is Completed on the e-signature submission window. For schools using PowerSchool Digital Signature, the first signee’s response gets updated to the profile if multiple parents or guardians sign the document. For schools using DocuSign for e-signatures, the system will update the first signee’s response on the profile if multiple parents or guardians sign the document. Staff or users must ensure the correct response is captured on the profile and update the profile if needed. When multiple parents or guardians sign the form, the response is updated based on the order in which the signee is added to the Student Demographics profile > Student Contacts. For example, student contacts added as First Parent or Guardian and Second Parent or Guardian are to sign the document, and the Second Parent or Guardian signs the document first considering the Date or Time of signature submission. The First Parent or Guardian signs the document after the Second Parent or Guardian contact. The system will override the profile response with the response of the First Parent or Guardian, though the First Parent or Guardian signed it later. This is a limitation on DocuSign integration with PowerSchool Special Programs. Thus, it is recommended that staff or users working on the form validate that the correct response is captured on the Gifted profile and updated as needed.
SPEDSM-110107 | Notice of Recommended Education Placement (NOREP) | Made the following changes to the form to include the Digital Signature functionality for the Superintendent: The “Superintendent/Designee will sign the document digitally” checkbox is displayed only when the school district has an active PowerSchool Digital Signature License, and Digital Signature is enabled for the environment. The checkbox will be hidden if the PowerSchool Digital Signature configuration is disabled or the school district does not have a license.
SPEDSM-110317 | Reevaluation PWN and Consent Review | Resolved the issue where the selected staff’s location was shown before the Location look-up. The System will auto-populate the selected staff’s default work location name and address. Users can change the location and address as needed. |
SPEDSM-110337 | School Age IEP - Assessment Section | Updated Assessment wording in the IEP form per the latest updates shared for 2024-2025 SY. The information text/wording on PSSA & PASA assessments -Test Subjects is changed. The new language indicates that test subject Science (only) is administered for Grade 5 instead of Grade 4. The language change will be available only on newly created IEP forms. All existing forms continue to show old wording including Grade 4.
SPEDSM-104572 | School Age IEP - Placements | The School Age IEP form and the Placements profile are updated so that once the IEP is finalized, all Placements added to the form are captured on the placements profile. Any changes to the Placements with IEP revision or Annual Review will be updated on the profile, overriding the previous details.
SPEDSM-92889 | School Age IEP | Resolved the issues where the system incorrectly updated the IEP Meeting participants on the Eligibility profile when IEP was revised. The IEP Meeting participants will be updated on the Eligibility profile, Team Information, and Members only when the Initial or Annual Review IEP is finalized. Any changes to the Meeting Participants list during IEP Revisions will remain only on the revised IEP document.
SPEDSM-108194 | Section 504 Plan | Updated the form functionality to clear the previously captured response/details via e-signature if the previous signatures were voided and new responses are captured with a new e-signature request. Once the signatures are submitted and the request is complete, the system will store and display the details captured from the latest e-signature request.
SPEDSM-91961 | Section 504 Plan | Resolved the issue to ensure the signees of the 504 Plan acknowledge the receipt of procedural safeguards before submitting the e-signature. For schools using PowerSchool Digital Signature, the signee must select the checkboxes to acknowledge Procedural Safeguards and submit the e-signatures. Changes will be applied to the newly created documents only. For schools using DocuSign integration for e-signature, the acknowledgment of Procedural Safeguards checkboxes cannot be made mandatory. This is a limitation of DocuSign integration.
SPEDSM-107999 | SP Enrollment | Resolved the issue on the SP Enrollment profile where the system added enrollment records where the Entry Date was after the Exit Date, causing an error while exporting enrollment data to PS SIS. The SP Enrollment profile will hold records with valid Entry and Exit Dates, allowing the export to SIS to work without error. Added a new validation log named “ SpEnrollment Enter/Exit Date Validation log Report”, to help staff users check if any students are missing SP Enrollment Records due to incorrect Entry & Exit Date after executing the SMaintain SPEnrollment Records script. The report is a Standard Report, under the SP Enrollment Reports category.