SPSM-PA_24.5.1.0 Release Notes
Date of Release: May 20, 2024
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
SPEDSM-92503 | Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information | Increased the size of the Email address field to accommodate staff’s email addresses of more than 25 characters. The email address is now set to the maximum standard length of 255 characters. |
SPEDDEV-46697 | Corrected Emergency Contacts for eSchoolPLUS Student Contact Import | Enhanced eSchoolPLUS Student Contact Import: Emergency Contacts no longer display as Second Parent/Guardian. |
SPEDSM-97202 | Notice of Recommended Educational Placement (NOREP) | Resolved the following issues on the Notice of Recommended Educational Placement form:
SPEDSM-97757 | Notice of Recommended Educational Placement(NOREP) | Corrected the dataflow to update the NOREP date on the student’s Eligibility profile, on the document finalization even if the Parent Initial Consent option is not selected. |
SPEDSM-92735 | Positive Behavior Support Plan | Resolved the issue causing error while creating the Positive Behavior Support Plan and populating the other support services details from the IEP, Services section. The fields filled with the details from the IEP document are updated to have the data type and size matching the IEP form. Thus, auto-populating the details on the Positive Behavior Support Plan, without causing errors while creating the new document. |
SPEDSM-91765 | PowerSchool PA State Reporting - S_PA_STU_X Report | Fixed the S_PA_STU_X export report to include the challenge type code only when the IEP code is Y, else the Challenge Type code will be blank. |
SPEDSM-95996 | Prior Written Notice For Reevaluation | Updated the Prior Written Notice For Reevaluation form to match the latest format the State provides. The changes will only affect newly created documents. |
SPEDSM-94113 | Prior Written Notice for Reevaluation | Resolved the issue of duplicate parent/guardian addresses shown on the form while generating separate letters. The form will display the address of each Parent/Guardian record as provided on the student’s Demographic profile, Parent Contact Information section. The changes will be applied only to newly created documents. |
SPEDSM-93986 | Request for Consent for Reevaluation | Updated the Request for Consent for Reevaluation form to match the latest format the State provides. The changes will only affect newly created documents, not existing ones. |
SPEDSM-97856 | School Age IEP | Updated the system to calculate accurate IEP Implementation Date and Anticipated Duration of Services Date when the IEP Meeting date is Leap Day. |
SPEDSM-92239 | School Age IEP - Assessments | Corrected the system behavior to validate the duplicate records for the Accommodations added for the student. The system will consider Accommodations as duplicates only if all the details provided for the accommodation records are an exact match. |
SPEDSM-93190 | School Age IEP and Functional Behavioral Assessment | Updated the School Age IEP form, PLAAFP section, and Functional Behavioral Assessment forms, allowing users to include the images using the Paste Image option, below the stylized text areas. The Image option on the extended menu of the stylized text area can be used to add an image within the text area. Resolved the issue of not displaying the images when the forms were printed or saved. |
SPEDSM-93223 | School-Age IEP: Transition Planning | As of the document finalization date, the Transition Planning section on the School Age IEP is now optional for students under the age of 14. For students aged 14 years and above, the Transition Planning section should be completed before finalizing the form. Users will be displayed with the message indication Transition Planning section is required to be completed for finalization. |
SPEDSM-90180 | Section 504 - Plan | Resolved the issue with verbiage where the Student Signature was incorrectly labeled as Parent/Guardian Signature. The form is updated to show the signature area verbiage as per the role of the selected signee, i.e., Student or Parent/Guardian. The changes will be applied to newly created documents. All existing documents will remain in the old verbiage/format. |
SPEDSM-97123 | Table 9A Report | Made the following changes to Table 9A report: