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SPSM-RI_21.5.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: May 27, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-44631Footer Removed

Removed the footer from "Termination of Services" and "Release of Confidential Information."


Fixed an issue where two titles would appear on some IEPs. In some instances, along with the correct title of "For Students Age 3 - 13," "Secondary Transition" would also appear.


In the 'Functional' area, increased the size of the "Other" text box to accept 100 characters.

SPEDSM-32517IEP and Career Development Plan

All fields in the IEP And Career Development Plan are now translatable.

SPEDSM-42277IEP: Case Management Plan

Added a "Case Management Plan" section to the IEP.

SPEDSM-41391IEP: Special Education and Related Services
  • Made the following changes to the Special Education grid:
    • Added an "Extended School Year (ESY) Special Education" grid below the Special Education grid.
    • In the Special Education grid, there are now two sets of dates. The first set of dates are auto-filled with the IEP effective dates.
    • If the user selects "Check if ESY Service," the entire row (except for the dates) from the Special Education grid will be copied into the "Extended School (ESY) Special Education" grid.
    • In the "ESY Special Education" grid, all fields except for "Goals" and "Services" are now editable.
  • Made the following changes to the Related Services grid:
    • Added an "Extended School Year (ESY) Related Services" grid below the Related Services grid.
    • In the Related Services grid, there are now two sets of dates. The first set of dates are auto-filled with the IEP effective dates.
    • If the user selects "Check if ESY Service," the entire row (except for the dates) from the Related Services grid will be copied into the "Extended School (ESY) Related Services" grid.
    • In the "Related Services" grid, all fields except for "Goals" and "Services" are now editable.
SPEDSM-41390IEP: Supplementary Aids and Services
  • The Beginning and Duration Dates for each new repeating row are now auto-filled with the IEP Effective dates.
  • Users can now select both of the Location checkboxes (Regular Education and then Other).
SPEDSM-35825Logo and Header

Updated the logo, header information, and formatting to maintain consistency across the following documents:

  • Special Education
  • 504
  • RTI
  • ELL
  • Gifted
  • Other Documents
SPEDSM-35113Parent/Student Meeting Notification

Updated the text in the third checkbox. "The development of an Individual Education Program for your child" is now "A meeting to discuss the Individual Education Program."

SPEDSM-43108Profile: Main

Updated "Contact Information" within Special Programs to now sync with the contact information in PowerSchool SIS. For example, when a contact is removed from the SIS, that change will reflect in PowerSchool Special Programs.

SPEDSM-42196Release of Confidential Information

Added a new document "Release of Confidential Information" to the "Other" category.

SPEDSM-43127Review of Evaluation/Re-Evaluation Report

Updated the text in 1B within the "Meeting to Review Evaluation or Re-Evaluation Information" section to appear bold. This improves readability.

SPEDSM-43124Review of Evaluation/Re-Evaluation Report

The "Meeting Date(s)" fields are now optional in the Signature of Participants area. Users may leave the first date blank and enter a value for the second date.

SPEDSM-10668Student Profile: PARCCAssesment Participations and PARCC reports category

Removed the Student Profile: PARCCAssesment Participations and the PARCC reports category since they are no longer in use.

SPEDSM-42274Termination of Special Ed Services

Added a new document, "Termination of Special Ed Services," to the "Other" category.

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