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Special Programs

PowerSchool Special Programs version is available as of September 30, 2022.

New Features and Enhancements


Release Note

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DocuSign OAuth 2.0 Upgrade

DocuSign is updating its security requirements. If you still have not upgraded to DocuSign OAuth 2.0 credentials, you will now receive error messages on the DocuSign account page and the DocuSign Details dialog. This has been done to ensure that the upgrade procedure is completed by the DocuSign deadline and that you can submit requests without any problems.

Digital Signature

When Digital Signature is enabled, the signature and responses from the initial signing parent or guardian are saved to the document as they sign. Any data flow runs while the signer either moves on to the next section or submits the document after entering a response.

When more than one parent or guardian signs the document, the system will update the document within two minutes of each additional parent or guardian signing so that the initial signer's responses are the only ones visible on the document.

All signer responses are saved when the signing process is complete, and the final PDF includes every response.

Access to this feature depends on your state model configuration. 

Digital Signature Dataflow
Digital Signature - Sign Now

With the Sign Now feature, you can collect signatures from attendees when they are all physically present. Sign Now is accessible through:

  • the routing options on the Digital Signature Details page.
  • the Signature Request Options after the staff member submits the document for signature.
Digital Signature - Sign Now
Digital Signature - Notify Initiator

Staff sending out the Digital Signature requests will now be notified once the document is successfully signed.

Send Signature Requests
Digital Signature Utility

Administrators and staff can now access the Digital Signature dashboard from the Administrative Tasks section on the home page.

Digital Signature Documents Utility

Home Page

Standard Reports

You can now display the value of a field from the Globals profile in a standard report header. To display the value, insert a directive into the report header in the following format:


Resolved Issues


Release Note

Bulk Document Processing

Resolved an issue where bulk document processing resulted in an error for some on-prem customers.

Digital Signature

Resolved an issue where some Digital Signature requests were stuck in processing status.

Digital Signature

Resolved an issue that prevented staff from signing documents with a Digital Signature request when they accessed them through the student repository.

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