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Special Programs

PowerSchool Special Programs version is available as of December 13, 2024.

New features and enhancements


Release Note

Ability to view integration errors

Previously, when a significant error occurred in integrations, a red message would appear stating, "An error has occurred..." This message indicated that the error was logged on the server, but it did not provide an option to view the details of the error. Now, a link is available that allows you to view the error.

Custom district logo not visible

When a student or parent logs into PowerSchool Special Programs via Single Sign On (SSO), the district's custom logo will appear if it exists.

Preserve HTML format issue in Digital Signature

Resolved an issue with the Preserve HTML Format feature, ensuring that it now functions as expected.

New District-Level Setting: Allow Signature Acceptance in Review Documents

Updated the Digital Signature District-Level Settings page to include a new option: “Allow Signature Acceptance in Review Documents”. This option is disabled by default.

Administrators need to enable it in order for the “Accept Current Signature” or “Force Complete” options to appear in the digital signature dialog for documents that are in a review status.

OSSE Only - Global Reporting Dates Import

Created a new integration to populate the LEA Calendar Information within the Globals section. This is only for OSSE.

Resolved issues


Release Note

Automatic Calendar Event additions adjust Start times

When adding events to calendars, the start time was previously changed to a time after the end time. This issue has been corrected, and the start time remains unchanged.

Exports via DCT Include Extra Columns

Columns were being added randomly to reports when exporting through the DCT. This issue has been resolved.

S|R Module: Security group sync to tenants

Security groups modified in the Controller and synced to tenants were not syncing down. Now, updates made in the Controller are being properly synced to the tenants.

Unable to edit "Insert Before" in Easy Edit

Editing the “Insert Beginning Section” in Easy Edit for certain document template sections is now possible.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.