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Special Programs

PowerSchool Special Programs version is available as of July 26, 2024.

New features and enhancements


Release Note

Staff profile and template reference fields displays LastName, FirstName in view mode

When viewing the staff profile and template reference fields using the default display, the name was displayed as LastName,FirstName in view mode. There is now a space after the comma.

State controller sync

The state controller sync for document template easy edits has been moved to its own Sync Easy Edits to District Tenants menu item and dialog to accommodate additional functionality, such as syncing custom fields that the ADMIN has created or modified.

Resolved issues


Release Note

Digital Signature document section keeps refreshing

Resolved an issue where the Digital Signature document page kept refreshing and never loaded when a staff member was on a document section and selected the same section hyperlink in the navigation menu. The section now reloads when the section link is selected.

Print student profile via the class list

Staff can print student profile details when accessing students from the class list on the home page.

State AL - Error message when importing a student envelope from a previous district

Resolved an issue where an error message was given when importing a student envelope from a previous district.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.