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Special Programs

PowerSchool Special Programs version is available as of January 17, 2025.

New features and enhancements


Release Note

Digital Signature: Add Reason for User Refusal to Sign

When a signer opts out of signing a document, the staff now has the option to enter a response explaining why the signer refused to sign. The staff member can enter up to 50 characters.

Ability to configure file attachment sort order

Users can now configure documents to be sorted into two levels. When selected, the sort order will have files with upload dates appearing at the top of the list, sorted by date/time in descending order, and then sorted alphabetically for files with unknown upload dates. Documents will be sorted alphabetically by default.

Option to exclude Signatures in Revised Documents

An option has been added to prevent signatures from being copied to the revised document when revising a finalized document.

Improved error messages for staff from Parent Submissions

Users were receiving Digital Signature Error Reports from parents that lacked information about the errors, making troubleshooting difficult. The new error messages now contain additional information, allowing for easier troubleshooting.

S|R Module: Option to include duplicates on reports

Added a new option to the S|R Module that allows users to include or exclude duplicate students in any report, including both standard and advanced reporting. When the checkbox is set to exclude duplicate students, a formula can be entered in the Globals section, which will apply to all tenants.

S|R Module - Synchronization document template settings

This update offers more detailed control over the synchronization of document template settings from the controller. In the past, all settings were synchronized together through a single dialog box. Now, settings are divided into two separate categories:

  • Security Settings: Controls access permissions and other security-related aspects of the document template.

  • Language Translations: Manages the translation of text within the document template for different languages.

Resolved issues


Release Note

Error within Newfoundland

Users would get the “Ah Snap” error when loading the Alternate course form within Newfoundland.

Revision of the IEP document: Error

Users get an error when creating a revision of the IEP document. This has been fixed.

Translation Error in Keyword Descriptions (Traditional & Simplified Chinese)

Resolved an error when translating keyword descriptions to Chinese (Simplified) and Chinese (Traditional).

JavaScript errors detected

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