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Curriculum Security

It is strongly advised that those implementing the online curriculum work with the Security Administrator to ensure that only appropriate users can modify the curriculum. A basic understanding of security and how it impacts the curriculum is useful for this purpose.

PowerSchool Special Programs provides several access privileges that protect the curriculum from unauthorized changes and protect its integrity and reliability. 

Access Privilege

Staff Assigned

View Curriculum Outline

All staff

View Resource Library

All staff

Maintain Private Resources


Edit Public Resources

Curriculum Administration group only

Moderate Public Resource Discussion

Curriculum Administration group only

View Question Items

Curriculum Administration group, Assessment Coordinators Group

Edit Question Items

Curriculum Administration group, Assessment Coordinators Group

View Assessment Definitions


Maintain Private Assessment Definitions


Edit Public Assessment Definitions

Curriculum Administration group, Assessment Coordinators Group

Edit Curriculum Outline

Curriculum Administration group only

View Curriculum Setup

Curriculum Administration group only

Edit Curriculum Setup

Curriculum Administration group only

Create/Delete Curriculums

Curriculum Administration group only

Translate Curriculums

Language Translators, Curriculum Administration group

Users are assigned membership in one or more security groups that correspond to the function or role they have in the system. When a user is granted membership in a security group, that user receives all the access privileges associated with the group. However, two default security groups are concerned with editing curriculum information. The names and access privileges for these groups are shown in the table below.

Even though security groups and their membership are managed by the Security Administrator, it is recommended that those with curriculum responsibility participate in deciding who is a member of these security groups. If necessary, the security groups and the associated access privileges can be customized by the school district.

Security Group Name

Access Privileges

Curriculum Administration

Edit public resources
Moderate user comments on resources
View question items
Edit question items
View assessment definitions
Edit public assessment definitions
Edit curriculum outline
View curriculum setup
Edit curriculum setup
Create/delete curriculums

Curriculum Data Entry

Edit curriculum outline
Edit public resources

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