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DocuSign E-Signature Special Values

The following table lists special values available in document templates where DocuSign E-Signature is enabled:

ESignSubmittedReturns True if a document has at least been submitted to an authorized sender for sending to DocuSign.
ESignSubmittedNotSentReturns True if a document has been submitted to an authorized sender for sending to DocuSign but not sent.
ESignSentReturns True if a document has been sent to DocuSign.
ESignSentAndPendingReturns True if a document has been sent to DocuSign but is still pending.
ESignSentAndFinalReturns True if a document has been sent to DocuSign and is now in one of the final states (voided by the sender, declined by the receiver, or completed).
ESignVoidedReturns True if a document has been sent to DocuSign and voided by the sender.
ESignDeclinedReturns True if a document has been sent to DocuSign and declined by the receiver.
ESignCompletedReturns True if a document has been sent to DocuSign and all signatures have been completed.
ESignSentStatusReturns the current DocuSign status of the document as character/text (submitted, sent, voided, declined, or completed).
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