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Longitudinal Results Report

The Longitudinal Results report allows you to view disaggregated student results across multiple assessment administrations. It can be used to perform longitudinal analysis since it gives you the option of selecting a time dimension (by year, by marking period, etc). With the introduction of a time dimension, it can be used to perform cohort analysis as well.

Generate Longitudinal Results Report

  1. Access the most recent assessment administration you want to report results for, and then select Longitudinal Results from the Generate Report menu.
  2. In the Type of Time Periods menu on the Longitudinal Results Setup page, select the type of time periods to include in the report from the following choices: By Year, By Marking Period, or By Custom Time Periods. Note that within any time period, you can include results from multiple assessment administrations, as long as all assessment administrations in a time period are from the same assessment.
  3. Select the options you want in the other drop-down fields in this section of the report options:
    • Assessment Definition Filter: Enables you to filter the assessment administrations that are listed below by assessment.
    • Student Location Filter: Enables you to select from district-wide assessment administrations or location-wide assessment administrations for a particular location. 
      Note: This option may not appear if you do not have the necessary access privileges
    • Additional Student Filter Rule: This filtering rule enables you to perform different types of cohort analysis.
  4. Select one or more Assessment Administrations to be included for each time period, and then click Go to Report to proceed.
  5. From this point forward, the screen looks and behaves like the Group Results report. The main difference is that the results are disaggregated by time period.


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