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Overview of Question Item Library

The Question Item Library is an optional module and is available if licensed by your school/district. It is a structure for organizing question items and aligning them to the curriculum, and it can include the following types of question items: multiple-choice, true/false, numeric response, fill-in-the-blank, and open-ended.

To prepare a question item, you enter the text of the question, the possible responses, and the point values of those responses. The text of the question can optionally include HTML formatting to incorporate text styles, mathematical symbols, tables of information, and other formatting effects. The system of point values allows for weighting and/or multiple correct responses to a question.

You can also upload a graphic image for a question (GIF, JPEG, or PNG) to incorporate illustrations, diagrams, and complex mathematical equations. The question item library can also contain question sequences that consist of narrative text with an optional graphic followed by a sequential series of question items that refer to the narrative.

Finally, question items are aligned to the curriculum. Another way of stating this is that question items are linked to the specific objectives, benchmarks, or other curriculum statements to which they are related. 

View the Question Item Library

  1. Select Assessment > Assessment Library
    • If this option is not available, you do not have the necessary access privileges.
  2. Select Question Items. The screen will show checkmark icons and counts of question items that are stored in specific areas of the curriculum outline.
  3. To display the questions for an area, click the checkmark icon.
  4. On the Question Item Listing view, review the question items for the area you selected. 
    • To quickly see more details of a question item without leaving this list view, point the mouse over the question text and more details will appear in a menu.
    • To view the complete details of a question item, click the magnifier icon in the left column.
  5. Click the Alignment Listing tab. This view shows elements of the curriculum outline, along with the question items that are aligned to them.
  6. Click the Alignment Gap tab. This view shows specific curriculum objectives or other statements that are not aligned to any question items, which may indicate a gap in coverage.
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