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Perform Advanced Curriculum Search

  1. Select Curriculum > Curriculum Outline.
  2. If there is more than one curriculum in your database, select the curriculum you want to work with from the Curriculum drop-down.
  3. Click Search+.
  4. To confine the search to a specific portion of the curriculum, click Select, and then navigate to the part of the curriculum you want to search. Click next to an area to select it.
  5. As needed, select other options on the form.
    • To search within a specific level of the outline, select it in the Search Within Outline Level(s) field.
    • To search for curriculum statements with a particular tag, select the corresponding checkbox in the Filter by Tag(s) section.
    • To search for curriculum statements containing a particular word or phrase, enter it in the Search for Word/Phrase field.
  6. To display the search results, click the Search and Display button to display the search results.
  7. To print the results in a printer-friendly format, click Search and Print.
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