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Prepare Language Translations

You can translate the curriculum outline into another language, and then print curriculum listings, progress reports, and more in that language. Translations can be done manually or with the assistance of Google™ Language Services.

For convenience, PowerSchool Special Programs can query Google Language Services and offer suggested translations. Because Google Language Services is a paid service from Google, additional service or licensing fees may apply to enable this feature.

Prepare a Foreign Language Translation

  1. Select Curriculum > Curriculum Outline, then select Curriculum Setup from the Moreā€¦ menu

  2. Click the Language Translations tab.
  3. Click Add New Language.
  4. On the Add Language window, select a language from the pop-up menu, and then click OK. The new language is now added. The # of translated curriculum statements is initially zero. Note that the system allows translations to be marked as proofed. This allows a less fluent user to do the initial translations, and then a more fluent user to proof them.
  5. Click Curriculum Outline in the navigation trail.
  6. Select the language from the Language drop-down.
  7. Click Edit Outline.
  8. Click Translate Multiple Statements.
    • When a language is selected, curriculum statements with no translation are displayed with question marks.
  9. On the Translate Statements page, enter a translation for each curriculum statement.
    On this page, there are three columns:
    • The left-hand column displays the original phrase.
    • The middle column displays fields to enter the translation and to indicate that the translation has been proofread.
    • The right-hand column displays a machine translation provided by Google™. To use this translation, click the left arrow to move the text to the middle column.
  10. To use the machine translation displayed in the right-hand column, click the left arrow to move the text to the middle column.
  11. If you want to use different text from the original phrase as the source for the machine translation, use the Translation pad to find the translation, and then copy and paste the translated text into the middle column.
  12. Repeat Steps 9-11 as needed to define translations for all curriculum statements.
  13. When done, click Save. A new set of statements will appear for translation.
  14. For curriculum statements that have been translated, you see the translations here with the original non-translated text in italics. You can click the edit pencil next to any individual curriculum statement to edit its translation.

After the initial translation is complete, new curriculum statements may be added in the future, or existing curriculum statements may be edited (requiring the corresponding translation to change).

  • If you click Translate Multiple Statements as described in the procedure above, any new curriculum statements will appear for translation.
  • If a user edits the non-translated text of an existing curriculum statement, any translations are marked as not proofread due to the change.
  • If you click Translate Multiple Statements and then the Proof Read Translations tab, you will be able to view and handle these cases.

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