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Report Assessment Results as an Administrator

Use this procedure to produce reports based on the results of scoring assessments.


  • The assessment data has already been collected and processed.
  • You have the necessary administrative access privileges to view assessment data for a location (school) and/or the entire district.

Scope Levels

Assessment data can be collected and processed at one of the three scope levels described below. It is helpful to have knowledge of which of these scopes have been used in the school district for various assessments of interest.

  • A class assessment administration is used to administer an assessment to students in a particular class. Normally, this type of assessment administration is created by classroom teachers.
  • A location-wide assessment administration is used to administer an assessment to a group of students (other than a class) within a single location or school. For example, this is useful for administering an assessment to all students at a particular grade level, at a particular school.
  • A district-wide assessment administration is used to administer an assessment to a group of students across the school district (e.g. all students at a particular grade level).

Report Assessment Results

  1. On the main menu, select Assessment > Assessment Reports.
    • If this option does not appear, you do not have the necessary access privileges.
  2. In the Scope of Administration field, select the scope at which the assessment results were collected (District-wide, Location-wide, or Class-wide).
    • The Administered Assessments section displays any assessments that have been administered at the selected scope.
    • To filter the list by curriculum area, click the arrow next to the Filter by Area, and then drill-down to the area.
      Reporting Merged Results
      In certain situations, you will find that you can report merged results as described below. For example, if the assessment was administered location-wide at multiple schools, you can report merged results across all the schools. It will be the same as if you were reporting on a district-wide assessment administration, and the reports can easily be filtered or disaggregated by location.
      Similarly, if the assessment was administered class-wide in multiple classrooms, you can report merged results across all the classes. It will be the same as if you were reporting on a location-wide or district-wide assessment administration, and the reports can easily be filtered or disaggregated by class.

  3. Click the triangular icon next to the assessment for which you would like to generate reports.
  4. The available Assessment Administrations are listed. Click the check icon next to an administrator to report on its results.

  5. Switch tabs here to see different aspects of the data collected for this assessment administration. The exact views available depend on the type of data collected (item responses versus just numeric scores).
    Filtering by Location
    If you are viewing a district-wide assessment administration and if you have access privileges to see student results district-wide, click Filter Students… A drop-down menu will then appear that allows you to filter the student data by location.
    Item Analysis Report

    This option is only available if your assessment administration collected student item responses. If so, review the item analysis report which shows the distribution of student responses. The correct responses appear shaded in green. This report gives you a quick sense of how students have done. It is also useful for troubleshooting. For example, if only 15% of students respond to a question correctly, then consider reviewing the question and double-checking the answer key. You can also click any bar in the report to drill down and see the students who gave the corresponding response.
  6. If the assessment administration collected student item responses (e.g. scanning bubble cards or online testing), you can switch to the Item Analysis or Item Detail views to see how the students performed on individual item responses.
  7. To produce other reports, you can select one of the options from the Generate Reports drop-down menu. These reports are described in detail in subsequent topics within this section.
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