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Revise Documents

You may be able to revise/amend a finalized document by creating a revision of the document. When you create a revision, a copy of the original document is created, and you can make changes as needed. You can also determine what file attachments are copied into the revised document.

To create a revised document, the following conditions must be applicable:

  • The document status is Final.
  • The document template is configured to allow revisions.
  • You have security permissions to create a revision.

Create a Revision

  1. Open the finalized document, and select Create Revision of this Document from the More menu.
  2. On the Create Revision of This Document screen, enter a revision label and click OK. A draft document is created as a copy of the original document.
  3. Enter your revisions. As you revise sections, an edit icon appears next to the revised sections to indicate which sections you have edited.
  4. To see a detailed comparison between the revised document and the original, select Compare with Previous Document from the More menu.

When you view the student's documents list, both the original and revision documents are listed.

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