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SPSM-UT_21.7.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: August 6, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-38429IEP: Amendment Date Validation Rule

Added a new rule to ensure that the Amendment Date is greater than the IEP Meeting Date.

SPEDSM-41354IEP: Assessment Addendum - two grade levels

Modified Table 2 within the Assessment Addendum to determine the student’s grade as of a meeting date.

  • If the meeting date is between September and June, two grade levels will be open for selection.
  • If the meeting date is between June and August, a single row will appear. 

Note: The Next Grade field is optional.

SPEDSM-42373IEP: Meeting Participants: Receives Letters

Modified the IEP to only display parent/guardian/surrogates indicated with Receives Letters.


Retired the PLAAFP - Preschool section, so only one PLAAFP appears as requested by the advisory group.

SPEDSM-45032Notice of Meeting (4,4a)

Updated the forms to match closer to the DOE version.

SPEDSM-37378Notice of Meeting - Behavior Option for Sincerely yours

Updated the form to allow users lookup a name they want to appear. Previously, the form would display the logged in user, by default.

Note to Administrator: You can now set the Lookup/NonLookup functionality in Administration, Configuration, Document Template, Invitation to a Meeting, Properties, Behavior Option Name = ShowLookUpNL.

SPEDSM-41601Profile: Service Records, Time display

Modified the service record time drop-down to start/end based on Administration, Configuration, Time Zone Settings, Date Picker Time Range. For example, it enables the district to start at 6:30 AM instead of 7 AM. 

Note to Administrator: You may need to modify your district settings.

SPEDSM-37297Section 504 Eligibility Report - Modifications and Data flow

Made the following modifications and enhanced the data flow between forms.

  • Added the Impairment drop-down to Question 1.
  • Meeting date and participants will flow data from the latest finalized Invitation Letter.
  • Major Life Activities will flow to the new Section 504 Plan.
    Note: The Eligibility report must be finalized before creating the 504 plan.
  • Added new block/checkboxes for missing signature reasons.
SPEDSM-37377Section 504 Plan - Modifications and Data flow

Made the following modifications and enhanced the data flow between forms.

  • Moved the Impairment drop-down under "Question a. Physical or Mental Impairment." The textbox is no longer required but available for clarification if needed.
  • Added the "Major Life Activity" checkboxes under "Question b. Substantial Limitation of 1 or more Major Life Activities."
  • A finalized 504 Eligibility Report will now flow Student Impairments and Major Life Activities data to the 504 Plan and will be editable in the 504 Plan only.
  • Invitation Meeting date and members will now flow data from a finalized Section 504 Meeting Noice to the latest Section 504 Plan.
  • Added new block/checkboxes for missing signature reasons.

Note: Each form with data flow to another must be finalized before creating the new form.

SPEDSM-12262Summary of Performance modifications

Updated the following changes to the Summary of Performance (SOP) form:

  • The form is now closer to the state model.
  • The following data from the student's profile will flow to this form:
    • Year of graduation/exit
    • Address
    • Primary language
    • Primary disability
    • Date of most recent eligibility determination
    • Current District, etc.
  • Added new rapid repeater rows, new columns, stylized text boxes, and insert statements.
  • Transition Planning Goals will flow from the latest finalized IEP on SOP form creation. Added a stylized textbox with insert statements.
SPEDSM-41356Team Evaluation Summary Report Title Change

Removed the text “No Disability” from the form title as requested by the advisory group.

SPEDSM-21552WPN Change of Placement SpEd7b modifications
  • Retired the existing form and created a new form to better match the state form.
  • Updated the following changes to the new form:
    • Added legal references.
    • Added ability to attach a file when the "See attached eligibility evaluation" checkbox is selected.
    • Added stylized text boxes with Insert Statement ability.
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