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SPSM-UT_22.1.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: January 31, 2022



Release Note

SPEDSM-52478Age of Majority Form

Made the following changes to the Age of Majority form:

  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-52164Agreement - IEP Team Member Not Attending Meeting

Made the following changes to the Agreement-IEP Team Member not Attending Meeting:

  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-52171Consent for Agency Invitation to Transition Meeting

Made the following changes to the Consent for AGency Invitation to Transition Meeting form:

  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-54056Digital Signature

PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature is now available for Utah Special Education forms. This excludes Section 504, RTI, and Gifted forms. For additional information, contact your account representative.
Note: You must be on platform 21.6.0 or later and Utah model SPEDSM_22.1.1.0. 

To learn more on Special Programs Digital Signature, click here.

SPEDSM-53128Manifestation Determination

Made the following changes to the Manifestation Determination form:

  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-52157Notice of Meeting

Updated the Notice of Meeting form to match the latest DOE version.

SPEDSM-52254Notice of Parental Rights at Age of Majority

Updated the Notice of Parental Rights at Age of Majority form to match the latest DOE version.

SPEDSM-52253Prior Written Notice and Consent for Test Administration Related to Special Ed and Related Services
  • Added new form Prior Written Notice and Consent for Test Administration Related to Special Ed and Related Services form, DOE version (#24).
  • Included the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-51019PWN & Consent Test Administration (24) - New Form
  • Added new form (#24) Prior Written Notice & Consent for Test Administration.  
  • Included the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.

Note to Administrator: Remember to set up a security system so that staff can access this form.

SPEDSM-52046PWN and Change of Placement in Special Education

Made the following changes to the PWN and Change of Placement in Special Education form:

  • Added a Behavior Option = RegularClassSPED. When false, the form remains as is and displays part-time and/or itinerant text (default). When true, it will match the state placement selections (provisions of supplementary services). 
    Note to Administrator:  If you wish the state version, change the option to True.
    Menu Path: Administration, Document Templates, PWN of Change of Placement, Setup: Properties, Behavior Field, and then RegularClassSPED.
  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-51953PWN and Consent for Evaluation/Reevaluation

Made the following changes to the PWN and Consent for Evaluation/Reevaluation form:

  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-56303PWN Forms Name Changed

Modified the following six PWN forms to WPN:

  • WPN and Consent for Eval/Re-Eval
  • WPN and Consent for Initial Placement
  • WPN of Change of Placement
  • WPN of Refusal to take an Action
  • WPN of Eval/Re-eval Review of Existing Data
  • WPN Consent for Test Administration
SPEDSM-52110PWN of Evaluation/Reevaluation and Review of Existing Data

Made the following changes to the PWN of Evaluation/Reevaluation and Review of Existing Data form:

  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-52107PWN of Refusal to Take an Action

Made the following changes to the PWN of Refusal to Take an Action form:

  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-53131Revocation of Consent for Special Ed and Related Service

Made the following changes to the Revocation of Consent for Special Ed and Related Services form:

  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
SPEDSM-53130Summary of Performance

Made the following changes to the Summary of Performance form:

  • Updated the form to match the latest DOE version.
  • Added the ability for PowerSchool Special Programs Digital Signature.
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