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SPSM-VA_21.2.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: February 26, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-33630504 Eligibility

Removed all references to 'special education' from question #3 within the Section 504 - Eligibility form.

SPEDSM-36659Authorization for Release/Exchange of Information

Renamed the label in the 'Send Records to' section from 'Principal' to 'Name.'

SPEDSM-32695Demographic Profile
  • Updated the descriptions for the following sections on the Configuration page:
    • Enrollment School
    • Servicing School
  • Updated the profile to no longer require the following fields:
    • Serving School
    • Special Ed Secondary Serving School
    • Special Ed Third Serving School
SPEDSM-31134Eligibility Profile
  • Updated the Annual Review Due Date to show the date when the student is set to "Eligible", adding 1 year minus a day.
  • Updated the Reevaluation Due Date, adding 3 years minus a day.
SPEDSM-36350Eligibility Summary
  • Updated the "Consent for Proposed Change" section. When checkboxes within "Consent for Proposed Change" are not selected, the "I give/I do not give consent for this action" option will not appear.
  • Added non-lookup for General Education Teacher.
  • Updated the Current Disability and Characteristics section. When a user selects "I do not give consent", Eligible status and Disability information will no longer flow to the Eligibility profile.
SPEDDEV-14765eSchoolPLUS: GeneralEdStudent Demographics Import and eSchoolPLUS: Student Demographics Import

Updated the gender field to include the "Non-Binary" option within the Gender keyword table.

SPEDSM-36633ESL Status

Updated the following changes to the ESLStatuses table:

  • Added 2 new state codes
  • Updated all descriptions to match the values from VDOE
  • Updated the "EL Code" drop-down on the December 1st Count profile to only show values where InUse="Yes"
  • Formatted fields to appear left-justified.
  • Renamed "Your District" to "District Name."
  • Renamed "Your Districts ID" to "District ID."
  • Removed bold font type in the Yes/No checkboxes.

Updated the IEP Prior Notice and Parental Consent section adding the Transfer of Rights section.


Updated the following changes to sections within the IEP:

  • Services-LRE-Placement section
    • Added a non-required text area under Transportation labeled "Justification". If this field is blank, the label and the field will not appear when printed.
    • Added a new grid for Related Services under the Services grid. Created a new keyword table called "RelatedServices."
  • Extended School Year Services section
    • The user can now add ESY services directly to this section. These services do not appear on the Services-LRE-Services page.
  • IEP at a Glance section
    Added the Related Services and ESY grids to the section.
  • Profiles
    • Created a new profile called "Related Services." Information from the related services within IEP will flow to this new profile.
SPEDSM-35745IEP > Cover Page

Updated the calculated field "Next re-evaluation, including eligibility, must occur before" to always update from the profile when the IEP is open.

SPEDSM-32830IEP: Participation State and Division-Wide Accountability

Updated the Justification Summary text area within the "Participation in the State and Division-wide Accountability/Assessment System" section. The Justification Summary text area will now be a required field only when the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) checkbox is selected within the "Services-LRE-Placement Assessments" section.

SPEDSM-36956Medicaid Profiles
  • Removed Medicaid profile since it was duplicating information already available within the Medicaid Information profile.
  • Updated the profile and fixed alignment of the fields within the Medicaid Information profile.
SPEDDEV-14766PowerSchool - Student Change Notification, PowerSchool - Student Import, AND PowerSchool - StudentContact Import

Updated the gender field to include the "Non-Binary" option within the Gender keyword table.

SPEDSM-33702Review of Existing Data
  • When the meeting reason is Reevaluation, and at least one box is "No" on #16, then the form will prompt the user to complete the Parental Consent to Evaluate and not the Eligibility Summary form.
  • When the meeting reason is Reevaluation, and all the boxes are "Yes" on #16, then the form will prompt the user to complete the Eligibility Summary form.
  • When the student's primary disability is Speech, the Speech Therapist is required and neither the Social Worker and School Psychologist is not required.
  • When the student's primary disability is not Speech, the Speech Therapist is not required, then either the Social Worker or School Psychologist is required.
SPEDSM-33632Rights Afforded by Section 504

Updated the text "Procedural Safeguards" to "Rights Afforded by Section 504."

SPEDSM-34806Section 504 Plan
  • Changed the wording from "Who at the District is Responsible" to "Who is Responsible." Changed "Who at the District is Responsible" from the drop-down list to a text box.
  • Updated the DisabilityCatgories keyword table by adding 15 Qualified with Disability Under Section 504.

Modified security so that Staff access to students has now changed from "Building of Residence" to "Responsible School."

SPEDSM-33637Written Notice/Consent
  • Corrected a typo where "other" was misspelled as "oother."
  • Bolded the text "do not give permission" under the Parent/Guardian Consent to set it apart from the other options. Added 2 blank lines between "I have received a copy" and "I consent to the Section 504."
  • Under Purpose of Evaluation, removed "special education" from option three.
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