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SPSM-WA_21.10.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: November 2, 2021



Release Note

SPEDDEV-22661eSchoolPLUS Student Import

Added NextYearSchool to Student Import.

SPEDSM-50502Evaluation Report

Fixed an issue where the same field, “OtherFactors,” was used on the Eligibility Determination and Prior Written Notice sections.

SPEDSM-46185Individualized Education Program

Updated the Least Restrictive Environment section configuration to validate changes in the Summary of Services Matrix section. Modifications made to the Service matrix will remove the completed status of the Least Restrictive Environment section, requiring users to review and update as necessary.

SPEDSM-45884Individualized Education Program

Added four additional progress fields to the Progress Reporting section of the IEP document.

SPEDSM-45169Individualized Education Program

Fixed an issue that was causing the school to revert to the original value when users finalized the IEP document on the Least Restrictive Environment Section. This issue was impacting users not applying the Multiple LRE option.

SPEDSM-49978Maintain CEDARS File I Update Script

Modified to update the CEDARS File I location field with the value from the School field for students who have not exited and have an open CEDARS file I profile.

SPEDSM-49976P223H Report

Updated the column order for the P223H report as follows:

  • Age 3-5
  • Tier 1 K-12
  • Tier K-21 Other
SPEDSM-49977P223H Summary Report

Added a column to display students aged 3-5.

SPEDSM-48410Staff Profile

Updated the field property for the Position field to be a required field.

SPEDDEV-25014WA-eSPExport Reports

Fixed an issue caused by writing back blank instead of null values.

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