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SPSM-WA_21.2.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: March 10, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-21969504 No Plan Tag

Added a "No Plan" tag for students who are eligible for 504, but who do not have a plan. This tag will appear beside the "504" tag.


Fixed an issue where teachers' caseloads disappeared and students could not be added to caseloads.

SPEDSM-36358Evaluation Report: Individual Documentation of Assessment/Observation

The description of the Area of Assessment is now provided next to the number so users can easily select the IDAR they are looking for.

SPEDSM-36360GradeTable keyword table

Updated the GradeTable keyword table so that users can place a student in the "Pre-Kindergarten 5 yr old prg" grade.

SPEDSM-36359GradeTable keyword table

Added a new field "NumericGradeLevel" to the GradeTable keyword table. Users can use this field in reports to sort by grade-level. Users can also use this field to create grade-level ranges on reports (ie. NumericGradeLevel < 7 would include preschool and kindergarten).

SPEDSM-32836GradeTable keyword table

The GradeTable keyword table is now admin-editable.

SPEDSM-39900IEP Cover Page

Fixed an issue where the Reevaluation Due Date on the IEP Cover Page and IEP Snapshot was not getting updated correctly in some cases.

SPEDSM-33323IEP Revision

Modified the system to prevent users from creating a revision of a finalized IEP when there is another IEP in draft mode that was created after the IEP was finalized.

SPEDSM-35676IEP: Secondary Transition

Updated IEP > Secondary Transition to display the Anticipated Graduation Year only if the student is 15 years or older.

SPEDSM-36535Parent Consent Document

Fixed an issue where Parents were being deleted in View mode when translating the Parent Consent section of the Parent Consent document.

SPEDSM-33023Parent/Guardian Contacts

Removed contacts who are not listed in Student Contacts from the Parent/Guardian Contacts section of the student profile.

SPEDSM-17463Receipt For Procedural Safeguards form

Added a new form titled "Receipt For Procedural Safeguards" to the "Other" category.

SPEDSM-35821Referral for Special Education Evaluation Form

Added a new form provided by OSPI titled "Referral for Special Education Evaluation" to the "Other" category.

SPEDSM-39425Service Capture

Users can only select Placement of Service codes that are valid for the Date of Service. A Service Code's valid dates are listed in the Placement of Services keyword table.

For more information, refer to the release note for SPEDSM-38764.

SPEDSM-38764Service Capture
  • Added the following fields to the Placement of Service keyword table:
    • Start date
    • End date
  • Updated the services in the Service keyword table with the dates that each service was available.
  • The Placement of Service keyword table is now admin-editable.
SPEDSM-29115Service Capture

Updated the system to now allow users to enter 0 (zero) for service minutes only for specific custom services (non-billable) codes.

SPEDSM-35675SpecialEdExitReason keyword table

Enabled "Graduated with High School Diploma" within the SpecialEdExitReason keyword table. "Graduated with High School Diploma" can now be selected as an exit reason for students leaving Special Education.

SPEDSM-37668Verification of Eligibility document

Updated the following fields within the Verification of Eligibility document to flow to IEP or Special Education profile:

FieldFlows to
Date of Verification of EligibilityDefault value of Initiation Date (IEP: Summary of Services Matrix doc)
IEP Annual Review DateDefault value of Duration Date (IEP: Summary of Services Matrix doc)
Verification of Eligibility dateSpecial Education Profile > Special Education Start Date field
SPEDSM-35478Verification of Eligibility document

Updated the Verification of Eligibility document to allow for multiple LREs, similar to the IEP.

To enable this functionality, the administrator must select the Globals field "Allow Multiple LRE codes."

SPEDSM-30596CEDARS File U (Child Find)

The Child Find Profile was renamed to "CEDARS File U (Child Find)". A new report, CEDARS File U Data, has been added to the 'Public CEDARS File U (Child Find) Reports' category that displays data complying with CEDARS reporting guidelines.

SPEDDEV-18086Race/Ethnicity CodeUpdated the Race/Ethnicity codes in Special Programs so that students with Race Code 'M' (Multiracial) in PowerSchool SIS will have the same race code in Special Programs as well.
SPEDDEV-17414Staff Works At LocationPopulated "Staff Works At location" with the expected "Works At Location" from PowerSchool SIS.
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