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SPSM-WA_21.9.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: September 23, 2021



Release Note

SPEDSM-42280Autosave feature

Implemented the Autosave feature for all documents in the PowerSchool Special Programs.

SPEDSM-48917eSchoolPLUS Student FILE U Child Find

Added the following fields to the CEDARS File U (Child Find) profile to support exports to eSchoolPLUS:

  • Sequence
  • SequenceNumber
SPEDSM-44193Evaluation Report

Updated the following changes to the Evaluation report:

  • Retired the current Eligibility Determination section to add the enhanced version to support user workflows from the Individual Documentation of Assessment/Observation section.
  • Removed the long text field labeled Recommended Specially Designed Instruction.
  • Removed the long text field labeled Recommended Related Services.
  • Added grid to specify if the student will receive specially designed instruction or related services for one or multiple qualifying areas indicated as an adverse impact on the Individual Documentation of Assessment/Observation section.
  • Added a Globals option so that the Goal Area checkbox is TRUE by default for all students.
  • Added a new admin-editable QualifyingArea keyword table to link to the IDARArea column in the AssessmentArea keyword table.
SPEDSM-42357Evaluation Report: Individual Documentation of Assessment/Observation

Updated the drop-down list at the top of the section to display the actual Area of Assessment entered into the “Other” text field.


Fixed an issue where the previous IEP Meeting Date was copied into the new document when the user chose to copy data from a previous IEP document. Now, the copy functionality will exclude the previous IEP Meeting Date.

SPEDDEV-22672 PowerSchool Special Programs to eSP Integration

Added CEDAR files and Child outcome summary reports exporting data from PowerSchool Special Programs to the eSP system.

SPEDSM-46260Special Education Profile

Added a new field labeled "District Placement" to the Special Education profile so that staff can ensure that all staffing needs are covered for the students.

SPEDDEV-22259Student Import and Student Change Notification Layout

Added a field in the Student Import and Student Change Notification layout to pull the value from the PowerSchool SIS to PowerSchool Special Programs.

SPEDSM-46270Summary of Service Matrix

When any of the following fields are changed in the Summary of Service Matrix section, users will need to navigate to the LRE section to review any changes:

  • Minute
  • Date
  • Location
SPEDSM-44064Verification of Eligibility

The Build Multiple LRE section is no longer required to finalize the Verification of Eligibility document.

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