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SPSM-WA_23.9.1.0 Release Notes

Date of Release: September 26, 2023



Release Note


Child Outcomes Summary Form (Exit)

Made the following updates to the Exit section of the Child Outcome Summary Form, Exit section:

  • When an exit reason is selected, the user must select appropriate assessment outcomes and progress since entry. User must answer questions 1b, 2b, and 3b for the Positive Social Emotional Skills, Acquiring and Using Knowledge and Skills, and Appropriate Behavior and Skills.

  • When the user changes the exit reason, the previously selected assessment and process since entry values (if any) will be cleared. The user should select the appropriate values as per the Exit Reason chosen.

  • The system will not select any default assessment outcome on the drop-down, and no checkbox will be auto-selected for progress since entry. The user must choose an appropriate assessment outcome and progress under each skill category.

  • The details will be updated on the Child Outcome Summary profile after finalizing the document.


Evaluation Report Document

Made the following changes to the Evaluation Report document:

  • Added a new checkbox labeled Part C to Part B on the cover page. It allows the user to mark the evaluation report for Part C to B Transition. The user must select one of the three checkboxes: Initial Evaluation, Re-evaluation, or Part C to Part B.

  • As the new evaluation type Part C to Part B is added for the Evaluation report, the data flows are updated to set the appropriate outcome of initial evaluation or eligibility on the Special Education profile. 

  • When the user selects the Part C to B checkbox and, on the Eligibility Determination section, selects Yes as a response to the Does the student have a disability? and Is the student in need of specially designed instruction? checkboxes, then on finalization of the evaluation report, the system will set the Special Education profile, Outcome of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility field as Determined Eligible for Special Education Services and transition from State Part C Program (Develop IEP).
    When the user selects the Part C to B checkbox and, on the Eligibility Determination section, selects No as a response to the Does the student have a disability? checkbox, then the student is NOT eligible. On finalization of the evaluation report, the system will set the Special Education profile, Outcome of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility field as Determined NOT Eligible for Special Education Services and transition from the State Part C Program (Process Complete, no IEP to develop).

  • When the user selects the Initial Evaluation checkbox and, on the Eligibility Determination section, selects Yes as a response to the Does the student have a disability? and Is the student in need of specially designed instruction? checkboxes that mean the student is eligible for special education, the system will set the Special Education profile, Outcome of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility field as Determined Eligible for Special Education Services (Develop IEP).
    When the user selects the Initial Evaluation checkbox and, on the Eligibility Determination section, selects No as a response to the Does the student have a disability? checkbox, then the student is NOT eligible; the system will set the Special Education profile, Outcome of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility as Determined NOT eligible for Special Education Services (Process Complete, no IEP to develop).

  • Upon finalization of the document, when the evaluation type is Initial Evaluation on the cover page, regardless of whether the student is eligible or not, the Eligibility Determination date from the Evaluation report will be updated to the Special Education profile, Initial Eligibility Date.


Evaluation Report Document and Special Education Profile

Made the following changes to the Evaluation Report document:

  • Resolved the issue of not updating the DNQ Date on the Special Education profile when the student was identified as Not Eligible on the Evaluation Report, Eligibility Determination section. In the Evaluation Report, when the evaluation type is Re-evaluation, and on the Eligibility Determination section, the student is marked as No for the Does the student have a disability? checkbox, the DNQ Date will be populated on the Special Education Profile once the document is finalized.

Made the following changes to the Special Education profile:

  • On the Special Education profile, the Outcome of Initial Evaluation/Eligibility drop-down list now includes all the eligibility codes along with the text in the parenthesis from the keyword table InitialEligibilityCodes.


Evalution Report Dcoument

On the Evaluation Report with the evaluation type selected as Reevaluation and on the Eligibility Determination section, the student is marked as No for the Does the student have a disability? the question, when the document is finalized, the system will update the Special Education profile, the Special Education Exit Date, and the Special Education Exit Reason with the value of Re-evaluated and no longer needs Spec Ed Services and Current Evaluation Date as Evaluation Report Date.


IEP Changes - Interpreter

  • Removed Parent Interpreter Requested? and Interpreter Provided yes/no questions from the Parent/Guardian area on the cover page.

  • Added Interpreter Service under Reevaluation Due Date. The new field is required for any non-amended IEPs.

  • Upon finalization of a non-amended IEP, the Interpreter Service value will flow to the Special Education profile.

  • Upon finalization of a non-amended IEP where the user selects Check if Initial IEP on the IEP Participants page, the Interpreter Service value will flow to the existing CEDARS File U profile where the most recent CEDARS File U record where the Initial IEP date value is blank.

  • Upon finalization of a non-amended IEP where the user selects Check if Initial IEP on the IEP Participants page, the Date of IEP Meeting on the IEP cover page will flow to the student’s existing CEDARS File U profile where the most recent CEDARS File U record where the Initial IEP date value is blank and will update the Initial IEP date value.


Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Verification of Eligibility Documents

The issue of displaying the selected LRE code under all three areas of the Regular Early Childhood (REC) program or Not in the REC program is fixed on the IEP and the Verification of Eligibility documents.
On the Least Restrictive Environment section of the IEP and Verification of Eligibility document, in the Students Grade Level PK and age 3-5 area, when an LRE Code is selected, it is displayed only under one of the three areas -REC Program greater than or equal to 10 hours per week, REC Program less than 10 hours per week, and Not in a REC program.


Individualized Education Program - Progress Report

Made the following changes to allow LEA to choose if the Present Levels of Academic Achievement/Functional Performance details should be added to the progress report:

  • Added a new document behavior option named Suppress Present Levels on Progress Report under Configurations, Document Templates, Individualized Education Program (IEP), and Template Properties. The behavior option expects logical input.

  • The behavior option value is set as False by default, so the Present Levels details will be displayed on the progress report unless the behavior option is set to True.

  • Administrator users can turn the behavior on by selecting the checkbox available for the Behavior Field, Suppress Present Levels on Progress Report.

  • If the LEA expects to suppress the Present Levels of Academic Achievement/Functional Performance details on the Progress Report, the Behavior option should be set to True.

Note: This will effects new IEP’s created after the release date. Previous IEP’s will not be affected by the newly created behavior option.


Student Demographics Profile, State Reports Updates

Made the following changes to the Student Demographics profile:

  • Added a new field labeled Transition Kindergarten under the Enrollment Information section. This checkbox determines if the student is in the Transition Kindergarten (TK) program.

Made the following changes to the State Reports:

  • Moved the CEDARS File K Report to the Public CEDARS File K Reports folder under Standard Reports.

  • Added a new report named P223 Report-2023 under the State Reports folder. The report is a replica of the P223H Report showing additional information. P223H Report-2023 will have the existing three columns Age 3-5, Tier 1 K-21, and Tier K-21 Other. The selection criteria for the report will include only students with Transition Kindergarten not selected on the Student Demographics profile.

The column named as Age 3-5 will a show number of students having LRE code as one of 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 35, or 36 or if the LRE Code as 11, 12 and grade level is not Kindergarten or above when Transition Kindergarten not selected on the Student Demographics profile.

The column named as Tier 1 K-21 will show a number of students having LRE code 01, 18, or 14 and Transition Kindergarten not selected on the Student Demographics profile.

The column named as Tier 2 K-21 Other will show a number of students having LRE code not as 01, 18, or 14 and Transition Kindergarten not selected on the Student Demographics profile.

  • Added the new report P223H Report-2023 TK report under the State Reports folder. The report will have two columns SPED Tier 14/18 TK and SPED Other TK. The report will include students with the Transition Kindergarten program selected on the Student Demographics profile.

The column named as SPED Tier 14/18 TK will show a number of students having LRE code in as 01, 18, or 14 and Transition Kindergarten selected on the Student Demographics profile.

The column named as SPED Other TK Other will show a number of students having LRE code not as 01, 18 or 14 and Transition Kindergarten selected on the Student Demographics profile.

  • Added the new report P223H Student Summary Report-2023 under the State Reports folder. The report is a replica of the P223H Student Summary Report. The report has few additional columns: Age 3-5, Tier 1, Tier 2, SPED Tier 14/18 TK and SPED Other TK . Age 3-5, Tier 1, and Tier 2 will be marked as X based on the given LRE codes and the student does not have the Transition Kindergarten selected.

    SPED Tier 14/18 TK and SPED Other TK columns will be marked as X when the student has LRE codes and the student have the Transition Kindergarten selected.

  • For eSchoolPLUS customers the Grade code TK is used for P223H reports. As the SPED reports added above are based on the Transition Kindergarten field on the Student Demographics profile and not the Grade Code TK, a new script is added to the product to be used for customers using eSchollPLUS SIS integration. In order to have the reports generated correctly for the eSchoolPlus customers, an update script named as Profile Update Script: eSchoolPLUS - Update TransitionKG from Grade Table, is added. When the script is executed, the Transition Kindergarten checkbox on the Student Demographics profile will be selected for all students having Grade code keyword as TK. This script is disabled by default and eSchoolPlus customers have to enable it.


Verification of Eligibility

On the Summary of Services Matrix, the user will now be prompted for a required text box when Other is selected.


Import Layout Changes for Transition Kindergarten

Updated the PowerSchool Special Programs SIS integration to select the new field Transition Kindergarten under the Enrollment Information section. This checkbox determines if the student is in the Transition Kindergarten (TK) program.

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