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Frequently Asked Questions

When receiving a transfer envelope, what student ID should I merge into?
When receiving a transfer envelope, the student's ID being sent and received would be the same. Since both the districts are within AL, they would use the same Alabama State ID. 

If I know a student is transferring to another Alabama district, should I send the transfer envelope?
Do not send documents unless you have received a request from another district. That will indicate the student has enrolled and has an active profile in the new district.

How many users can be designated as Requesters or Senders in a district? Can you limit access to sending only specific documents?
A district can have as many Requesters or Senders as they wish if they have been added to the Transfer Notification (Security Group). Required security access is system-wide. By default, the Transfer Notification (Security Group) has "View Only" access to all documents, and the Alabama Product Team controls whether documents are included in the Transfer Envelopes.

When I search General Education Students, I don’t see a student, and I know the student is within the PowerSchool SIS.
Review the student in the PowerSchool SIS and make sure the student hasn’t been provisionally enrolled with an E99, E98, or E90 and has been assigned a 10-digit state ID number. Only students with an E enrollment and 10-digit state ID will be integrated into the General Education table.

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