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CA Compliance at a Glance

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PowerSchool Special Programs Best Practices

Integration with Student Information Systems (SIS)

Import Layouts

Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, then Integration, then Import Layouts

  • Use Import Layouts to import data from the PowerSchool SIS into PowerSchool Special Programs.

  • System administrators should routinely check the Last Imported date and ensure no errors are found.

  • Select Continuous Integration Settings from the More menu to check if a layout is enabled.

Writeback Export Reports

Software menu path: Reporting, then Standard Reports, then PowerSchool Export or eSPExport

  • Writeback Export Reports via the Reporting menu send data to the SIS (eSchoolPlus or PowerSchool SIS) from PowerSchool Special Programs.

  • These reports collect the specific special education, gifted, and 504 student data uploaded to the SIS.

  • Administrators must enable each report in the application for the data to export.

    • To see which reports are enabled, go to Administration, then Configuration, then Integration, then Export.

  • System administrators should routinely check that the Last Successful Export and Last Export Attempted Time Stamp dates are the same. If they are different, review the error log to correct the applicable data.

  • For more details regarding what student data exports to PowerSchool SIS, see PowerSchool SIS Integration.

PowerSchool recommends system administrators routinely review the enabled export reports and import layouts for any errors. Special Programs can send an email to administrators with a compilation of all integration errors. To set this up:

  1. Go to Administration, Configuration, then Config Tasks, and choose or create a configuration task.

  2. Go to Administration, then Configuration, then Integration.

  3. From the More... menu, choose Continuous Integration Settings.

  4. Click the pencil icon to edit the required integration instance.

  5. Enter the Notification Email Address. To send notifications to multiple recipients, enter email addresses separated with a comma (,).

  6. Click Accept.

  7. Enter your password, and click OK.

If integration failures persist and are not followed by successful integration runs, contact the PowerSchool support team or log a support ticket.

End of School Year

The system administrator performs the end-of-school-year rollover process and includes school-year document folders, calendar settings, and progress reporting marking periods.

See End of Year Rollover for more information.

New to PowerSchool Special Programs

When the special education data migration to PowerSchool Special Programs is complete, PowerSchool recommends generating all required state reports.

  • Run all reports regardless of when the reports are due to the State.

  • Compare the reports to those from your previous special education system to ensure data is appropriately migrated.

  • Proper data migration ensures reports from both systems match. It is best practice to run the reports as soon as possible during your implementation.

State Reporting

PowerSchool recommends districts run the upcoming state reports monthly to ensure data accuracy.

State reporting typically has submission stages: Collection Open, Collection Closes date, Correction Window, and Final submission.

Reporting Timelines

Generate in Live PowerSchool Special Programs

Create Snapshot Database

Run Reporting within Snapshot Database

Official Submission

Submission Due Date (TIMELY)

Certification Deadline

Amendment Window

Special Education Program File - Fall 1 (Census Day)

For October 7, 2020 - Always the first Wednesday in October every year

Reports student programs for the LastIEP less than the Global Count Date (Census Date), referred with Parent Consent to Evaluate and not exited.


Not required

October 7, 2020

December 18, 2020

December 18

December 19, 2020, to February 4, 2021

Special Education Program File - End of Year 4 (EOY)

Reports all students for the end of the current school year (i.e., July 2020 - June 2021) referred to have parental consent and eligibility Determination.

End of School

Not Required

May 10, 2021, to July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021

July 31, 2021, to August 27, 2021

Student Services - Fall 1

Reports all student services active from July to Census Day from a finalized form, Meeting type 10, 15, 20, referral consent, and not exit.


Not Required

October 7, 2020

December 18, 2020

July 30, 2021

July 31, 2021, to August 27, 2021

Student Services - End of Year 4

Reports all student services between Global dates (i.e., July through June) from a finalized form, Meeting type 10, 15, 20, a referral consent, and not exit.

End of School Year

Not Required

May 10, 2021, to July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021

July 31, 2021, to August 27, 2021

Post-Secondary Transition Status

Reports Post-Secondary outcomes for Prior Year Completers.

End of School Year

Not Required

August 16 of Year 1 through August 15 of Year 2

July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021

July 31, 2021, to August 27, 2021

Student Test Settings (Accommodations)

The DOE is in working on updating the CALPADS File Specifications.

End of School Year

Not Required





Snapshot Database for State Reporting

If you wish to create a snapshot of your data on or just before the October census date or the end of the school year (June 30th), see the instructions follows.

Only one copy of your database can exist as a snapshot.

Generating a snapshot report for California is not required. The reports determine what student data should be reported from the CALPADS Profiles.

See Creating/Managing the Reporting Snapshot Database for more information.

  • After creating the snapshot and making corrections for the reporting period, complete all necessary snapshot database changes.

  • The system prompts if the user needs to push changes to the live database.

State Reports

All districts are required to run the CALPADS reports.

CALPADS Student Special Education Program File and Student Services File

  • Data is stored in PowerSchool Special Programs, Profile records, and uploaded based on PowerSchool SIS's scheduled tasks for processing via API to the Department of Education.




Fall 1


This report counts students with an active IEP as of 10/7 of the current school year. Only includes active students in Special Education.

End of Year 4


Includes any student receiving Special Education services within the school year. The format is the same as 10/7 but includes exit date/reason data.

CALPADS - Student Test Settings File (STSF)

  • Data will be stored in PowerSchool Special Programs and uploaded based on PowerSchool SIS's scheduled tasks for processing via API to the Department of Education.

The DOE has postponed this report to 2021-22.




Student File


This report displays test settings and accommodations.

CALPADS - Postsecondary Status File (PSTS)

  • Data is entered in PS SIS for processing via API to the Department of Education.




End of Year 4


This report collects Employment and Educational status information after completing secondary education in the prior academic year for Education Plan Type = 100 (IEP) or 200 (ISP)

State-Mandated Special Education Forms

The California Department of Education does not have specific Special Education forms identified for the state. PowerSchool Special Programs has updated our forms based on feedback from multiple districts in our advisory group to ensure we comply. PowerSchool typically releases state form changes within 6-8 weeks from receipt of changes. Additional forms such as 504, Gifted, English Learner, and Response to Instruction (RTI) are also not state-mandated.


Software menu path: Search for a Student, click their Profile icon, and then use the flyout menu on the Profiles tab to see the fields in each section.

The following profiles and fields are essential for state reporting.





State-provided student ID number.

Preferred Gender

Enables districts to identify a student's preferred gender.

English Proficiency Level

Displays student's English proficiency level (English Learner, Initial Fluent English Proficient, etc.)

Overall Performance Level

Displays student's English proficiency level (Beginning, Moderately Developed, etc.)


Indicates Hispanic or Latino


Identifies up to 5 different races for the student.

Receives Letters

If selected, it will display the names on the forms. The field will integrate from the SIS.

Special Education




This area tracks Referral information such as Early Intervention and if the District Deemed Assessment is unnecessary or the student left the district before completing eligibility.

Disability Information

This area indicates eligibility status, determination date, actual disabilities, ESY, and Transportation Eligible.

Initial Special Education Eligibility Milestones

This area tracks Initial Evaluation Consent, Initial Eligibility Date, Delay Reasons, Initial IEP Meeting Date, and Initial IEP Consent Date. If the District Deemed Assessment is unnecessary, or the student left the district before eligibility was completed.

Compliance Timelines

This area identifies the latest Plan Type, Assessment Plan Date, IEP Meeting Date, Most Recent Annual Review Date, IEP Initiation Date, IEP End date, IEP Delay reason. In Regular Class Percent, Parent Input, IEP Amendment Date, Annual Review due Dates, Transfer IEP Due date, Consent for Reevaluation and Date, Most Recent Reevaluation Date, Triennial Evaluation Delay, Assessment Plan Due Date, and Reevaluation Due date.

Special Education Exit

This field identifies when the student Exited Special Education, the reason, the Revocation of Consent, and the Graduation Plan date.

Placement Information

Indicates the student's latest Educational Setting

Transfer of Rights

This area identifies the Rights were Transferred to, the Transfer of Rights Date, and the Transfer Due Date.





This profile tracks Referral, Consent, Service begins, IFSP Exit Date, Initial IFSP Date, Interim IFSP Dates, Periodic IFSP Review, Annual IFSP Review, Transition Planning, IFSP Delay Reason, and IFSP Amendment Dates.

All Services



Current Services Only

Displays services from the last finalized IEP.

IEP Services

Displays the history of services provided to the student from finalized Individualized Education Plans.

ESY Services

Displays extended school year (summer) services.

Interim Services

Displays services provided from finalized Interim Service Plana.

ISP Services

Displays service from finalized Individual Service Plans.

Pre-School Transition Services

Displays services from the finalized Preschool plan.

IFSP Services

Displays services from finalized Infant Family Service Plans.

CALPADS Post-Secondary



Secondary Transition

Reports all transition planning questions indicated in a finalized IEP for CALPADS reporting.

Post Secondary

Stores the CALPADS PSTS information such as program, employment, educational institute type, Post-High School Credential, and Industry Field for CALPADS state reporting one (1) year after the student graduates. Currently, this data is entered in PS SIS for state reporting.




Medical Information

Stores information on whether the student is Medicaid Eligibility, their Medicaid number, parent consent to bill, and the consent date.

Section 504



Section 504

Stores data from a finalized IEP regarding the Status, Referral Dates, Evaluation Dates and Consents, Eligibility, Reevaluation, Accommodation Plan, exit date, etc.




Student Data

Stores data to be reported to CALPADS such as Reporting LEA, School of Attendance, NPS, Academic Year, ID's Names, District of Special Ed accountability, Ethnicity, and Race.

Special Education Data

Stores data to be reported to CALPADS such as Referral Date, Agency, Parent Consent, Meeting type and date, meeting or amendment identifier, meeting delay code, Education Plan type, amendment date, Primary Residence, Disability, Infant Regional Center, Program Setting, Ten or More Weekly hours in Setting, General Education Participation Percentage Range Code, Program Type Code, Post Secondary Indicators, Special Ed Program Exit reason code.

Services Data


Post Secondary Data

Stores Education Program Participation Type Code and Postsecondary status code.

State Reporting (DRDP)



Desired Results Developmental Profile

Data entered in this profile can be reported to the state. There is no DRDP form at this time.




Services Grid

Displays all services from a finalized form by Service Name, Frequency, Location, Duration, Start/End Dates, Provider, Group size, and document source.

Contact Logs



Contact Grid

Displays records added to track when someone was contacted, who was contacted, and the result.

For example, Staff Ms. M discusses XYZ with the student's mom.




CALPADSProgram Eligibility

Displays the student's 144 Records indicating the student is in Special Program.

Service Records



Service Report

Records Medicaid Service attendance for billing. Including staff, date/time, procedure codes, diagnosis codes, comments, admin approval, etc.

Student Contacts



Student Contact

Displays Student contact, relationship, address, phone, email, Has Custody, Lives With, School Pickup, Emergency Contact, and Receives Mail indication.

Student Guardians



Student Guardians Profile Form

Displays Student Guardians Profile record with name, email address, User name, and SSO ID.





Displays Test name, date, score, grade level, scale score, Performance Level, and Alpha Score. Can be added via Data Integration from PS SIS, or direct entry in the table will reflect information on the Evaluation/IEP report.

CALPADS Programs




Stores information reported to CALPADS.


Displays Eligibility Determination Date, Initial Evaluation Consent.


Ability to indicate if the user should delete this record in CALPADS.

Student Data

Reporting LEA, Academic Year, SSID, Local ID, Names, and Race.

Special Education Data

Referral date, party, initial evaluation parent consent date, meeting type code, meeting delay code, education plan type code, amendment date, primary residence, Initial Entry Start Date, Disability code, etc.





Ability to look up a CALPADS submission and display errors returned by DOE for data correction.

Parent/guardian information flows from the Demographic table to forms and reports.

Global Settings

Software menu path: Administration, then Configuration, then Profile Types, then Globals

The settings to configure the IEP form, as well as define the school year and submission dates for state reports, are as follows:

Navigate to Profile Types, then (GLOBALS), then the Main menu, then the Configurable Options section

  • District Information:

    • Name address, phone, district contact, logo

  • Calendar Options:

    • Days in School Year, First/Last Day of School, count date for CALPADS

  • Configurable Options:

    • IEP Progress (Progress reporting vs. Progress Monitor, Goal Wizard Enabled, Transition Goal Wizard Enabled, Auto-populate Service start/end dates).

  • CALPADS Error Links.

    • Configuration Information.

Various Options of the Model:

California model has many options available on our forms that turn information off or on. Go to the appropriate form (i.e., Administration, Configuration, Properties) to see the various options

  • Age of Majority

  • Areas Necessity Explained

  • The course of Study Listed

  • Other Assessment Data

  • Person or Agency Responsible

  • Positive BIP Attached

  • Show Additional Assessments Needed

  • Show ALl Special Education Services

  • Show Assessment Grid

  • Show California Children's Services

  • Show County Metal Health

  • Show Educational Rights

  • Show Eligible Checkboxes

  • Show eSY Eligible

  • Show ESY LRE

  • Show ESY Rational

  • Show ESY Transportation

  • show ESY Transportation Label

  • Show Ethnicity

  • Show General Curriculum

  • Show Graduation Plan

  • Show IEP Initial Placement Area

  • Show Initiation Date

  • Show Least Restrict Environment show MediCal Signature

  • Show Page 2

  • Show Person 3 Address

  • Show Person 4 Address

  • Show Person Responsble

  • Show Physical Ed

  • Show Physical Ed Testing

  • Show Present Checkbox

  • Show Progress and Promotion

  • Show Progress Report Heading

  • Show Proposal To Initiate or Change Text

  • Show Residency

  • Show Result of Age-Appropriate Transition Textbox

  • Show Standard Enabled Checkbox

  • Show Student Disability Desc

  • Show Supplemental Support Attachment

  • Show to Support

  • Special Transportation

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