Annual IEP Timeliness
A new named Annual IEP Totals is added under Advanced Reports, Federal Report,
This reports specifies all the KPIs. It also covers both active and inactive students.
The selection criteria for Annual IEP Student Details is who have an IEP due date within the entered date range.
The key counts on the advanced report include the following data:
LEA Name
School Code
School Name
Total Number of Students
Number of Timely Students
Number of Untimely -Held Late Students
Number of Untimely -Not Held Students
Number of Students with a Pending Annual IEP
Number of Excluded Students
Number of Students with 0-10 days until the IEP is DUE
Number of Students with 11-20 days until the IEP is DUE
Number of Students with 21-30 days until the IEP is DUE
Number of Students with 31-40 days until the IEP is DUE
Number of Students with 41-50 days until the IEP is DUE
Number of Students with 51-60 days until the IEP is DUE
Number of Students Annual IEP Complete