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Child Outcome Summary (COS)

Child Outcome Summary Form

  1. Select a student on the Students panel.

  2. Click the Documents icon for the student.

  3. From the Create New Document drop-down list, select Child Outcome Summary under Individualized Education Plan, and click Go.

  4. Enter a Label/Comment and click New. Click Additional Settings to specify the year and sections to include.

  5. In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:

    • From the Student Info/Demo Part B profile: 

      • Student

      • USI

      • DOB

      • Gender

      • Race/Ethnicity

      • Primary Language

    • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • Grade

    • From the Special Education Part B profile:

      • Primary Disability

  6. In the LEA/School Information section:

    • The system auto-populates the following information:

      • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

        • LEA of Enrollment

        • School Site

      • From the Special Education Part B profile:

        • Case Manager

      • From the Locations profile:

        • School Address

        • School Phone

  7. In the Program Entry and Exit Dates section:

    • Select a checkbox to enter or exit the program.

    • If the student has Program Entry information in the Child Outcome Summary Part B profile prior to create the document, the entry details will import into the form upon creation.

    • The system auto-populates the Program Entry Date, which flows from the Initial IEP Date from the Special Education Part B profile.

    • Complete the information on the screen when the user selects the Program Entry, Program Exit, or both the checkboxes.

  8. In the Staff Completing the Child Outcome Summary section: 

    • Select a name from the staff table using the lookup function.

    • Select a checkbox that indicates the staff's primary role with the student.

  9. Click Save, Done Editing.

  10. Finalize the document when completed. To finalize the document, click Set Document, select Status from Draft to ReviewStatus from Draft to Final, and then click Accept.

Program Entry

  1. The user must select the Program Entry checkbox in the Program Entry and Exit Dates section. Note: if the Program Entry information auto populated into the document from the student’s Child Outcome Summary Part B profile upon creation of the document, then the user can only complete the Program Exit section portion of the document and the program entry information will be read-only (as this was done previously).

  2. In the Entry Assessment Information section, select the appropriate checkboxes closely related to the students, as indicated in the assessments and individual observations. The user must select at least two checkboxes. If the user selects Other, a required text box appears.

  3. The system displays the following three outcome areas:

    • Positive Social-Emotional Skills

    • Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills

    • Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Needs

  4. In the Positive Social-Emotional Skills area:

    • The system displays a long stylized text box to describe how the student relates with caregivers; attends to others in various settings; interacts with peers, participates in social games and communicates with others; follows social norms and adapts to change in routines; and expresses their own emotions and responds to the feelings of others.

    • Select a checkbox in the following category to confirm to what extent this student demonstrates age-appropriate functional skills and behaviors in various contexts and situations in this outcome:

      • Not Yet

      • Nearly

      • Somewhat

      • Completely

  5. In the Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills area:

    • The system displays a long stylized text box to describe how the student shows interest in learning; attends to other people in various settings; engages in purposeful play; understands pre-academics and literacy; acquires language to communicate; and understands questions and directions.

    • Select a checkbox in the following category to confirm to what extent this student demonstrates age-appropriate functional skills and behaviors in various contexts and situations in this outcome:

      • Not Yet

      • Nearly

      • Somewhat

      • Completely

  6. In the Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Needs area:

    • The system displays a long stylized text box to describe how the student moves around and manipulates things to meet their needs; eats and drinks with increasing independence, dresses and undresses with increasing independence; toilets and washes with increasing independence; communicates their needs; and shows safety awareness.

    • Select a checkbox in the following category to confirm to what extent this student demonstrates age-appropriate functional skills and behaviors in various contexts and situations in this outcome:

      • Not Yet

      • Nearly

      • Somewhat

      • Completely

Program Exit

  1. The user must select the Program Exit checkbox in the Program Entry and Exit Dates section.

  2. Select a response for the Will the child be promoted to kindergarten? checkbox.

    • When the user selects Yes, they must enter a date manually or select a date using the calendar icon in the Date exit data was submitted field and select a checkbox that determines the student's exit. If the user selects Other, a required text box appears.

      1. Select a response for the Exit data was collected for this child checkbox.

        • When the user selects Yes, the following section is not editable but appears during print.

      2. When the user selects No as a response for the Exit data was collected for this child checkbox, the user can select the checkboxes available under Reason Exit Data was not collected. The user must select at least one checkbox. If the user selects Other, a required text box appears.

    • When the user selects No, the following field and checkboxes are not editable but appear on the document:

      • Date Exit Data Was Submitted field

      • Exit determination checkbox

      • Exit data was collected for this child checkbox

      • Reason Exit Data was not collected checkbox

  3. In the Entry Assessment Information section, select the appropriate checkboxes closely related to the students, as indicated in the assessments and individual observations. The user must select at least two checkboxes. If the user selects Other, a required text box appears.

  4. The system displays the following three outcome areas:

    • Positive Social-Emotional Skills

    • Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills

    • Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Needs

  5. In the Positive Social-Emotional Skills area:

    • The system displays a long stylized text box to describe how the student relates with caregivers; attends to others in various settings; interacts with peers, participates in social games and communicates with others; follows social norms and adapts to change in routines; and expresses their own emotions and responds to the feelings of others.

    • Select a checkbox in the following category to confirm to what extent this student demonstrates age-appropriate functional skills and behaviors in various contexts and situations in this outcome:

      • Not Yet

      • Nearly

      • Somewhat

      • Completely

    • When the user selects Yes for the Exit data was collected for this child checkbox, a For exit only section appears.

      • The system displays a long stylized text box to describe the student's functional skills and behaviors in this area.

      • Select a checkbox in the following category to confirm to what extent this student demonstrates age-appropriate functional skills and behaviors in various contexts and situations in this outcome:

        • Not Yet

        • Nearly

        • Somewhat

        • Completely

  6. In the Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills area:

    • The system displays a long stylized text box to describe how the student shows interest in learning; attends to other people in various settings; engages in purposeful play; understands pre-academics and literacy; acquires language to communicate; and understands questions and directions.

    • Select a checkbox in the following category to confirm to what extent this student demonstrates age-appropriate functional skills and behaviors in various contexts and situations in this outcome:

      • Not Yet

      • Nearly

      • Somewhat

      • Completely

    • When the user selects Yes for the Exit data was collected for this child checkbox, a For exit only section appears.

      • The system displays a long stylized text box to describe the student's functional skills and behaviors in this area.

      • Select a checkbox in the following category to confirm to what extent this student demonstrates age-appropriate functional skills and behaviors in various contexts and situations in this outcome:

        • Not Yet

        • Nearly

        • Somewhat

        • Completely

  7. In the Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Needs area:

    • The system displays a long stylized text box to describe how the student moves around and manipulates things to meet their needs; eats and drinks with increasing independence, dresses and undresses with increasing independence; toilets and washes with increasing independence; communicates their needs; and shows safety awareness.

    • Select a checkbox in the following category to confirm to what extent this student demonstrates age-appropriate functional skills and behaviors in various contexts and situations in this outcome:

      • Not Yet

      • Nearly

      • Somewhat

      • Completely

    • When the user selects Yes for the Exit data was collected for this child checkbox, a For exit only section appears.

      • The system displays a long stylized text box to describe the student's functional skills and behaviors in this area.

      • Select a checkbox in the following category to confirm to what extent this student demonstrates age-appropriate functional skills and behaviors in various contexts and situations in this outcome:

        • Not Yet

        • Nearly

        • Somewhat

        • Completely

  • The system prevents document creation if the student's Initial IEP meeting date and case manager name are missing from the Special Education Part B profile.

  • User must ensure that the Program Exit Date should be greater than Program Entry Date.

Data Flow

Upon finalization of the documents, the following data flow occurs:


To Profile

Date Exit Data was Submitted

Child Outcome Summary, Program Exit Date

Positive Social-Emotional Skills

Child Outcome Summary

Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills

Child Outcome Summary

Use of Appropriate Behavior to Meet Needs

Child Outcome Summary

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