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DL Subclass III

This report contains information about students under the age of six who are evaluated for eligibility to receive special education services and found eligible. The report displays the count of students for whom parental consent was not obtained, the number of students who received the consent after 30 days from the referral, and the number of students who have timely eligibility determination and who do not have the eligibility evaluation done timely.

Submission Requirements

This report lists the students under six years old and identified as eligible for special education. The report display student counts with timely and delayed eligibility evaluation, the number of students for whom the parental consent is missing, number of students for whom the parental consent was received after 30 days from the referral date.

Generate Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Advanced Reports.

  2. Click Data Report, and then click DL Subclass III.

  3. Click Process Schedule.

  4. Select a report generation schedule.

  5. Click Process Now In Foreground.

  • To review the latest data, click Unprocess and repeat steps 3 to 5.

  • Click the student count to display the student details with Eligibility data. The columns here are customizable. User can add columns or fields using the Customize Columns For This Drilldown option.

Student Counts

Data Element


Total Number of Students

The system calculates the number of students under six years old as of the report execution date and their initial evaluations are done and found eligible.

Count of Pending IEV

The system calculates the number of pending initial evaluations.

Count of Missing Parental Consent

The system calculates the number of students missing parental consent for evaluation.

Count of Parental Consent not within 30 days

The system calculates the number of students that did not have parental consent within 30 days from the initial referral date.

Number of students with timely IEVs

The system calculates the number of students done with their evaluations timely.

Drill-Down Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name)

Database Field Name

Reporting Year

The system displays the reporting year of the Initial Eligibility Due Date available on Special Education Part B. Reporting Year is measured as July 1 to June 30, with FFY19 being from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)


The system displays the reporting quarter of the Initial Eligibility Due Date from the Special Education Part B profile.
• Q1: July 1-September 30
• Q2: October 1-December 31
• Q3: January 1-March 31
• Q4: April 1-June30

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Student USI

The system displays the student's USI number.

Profile: Demographics Part B, USI


Student First Name

The system displays the student’s first name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, First Name


Student Last Name

The system displays the student’s last name.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Last Name


Student DOB

The system displays the student's birth date.

Profile: Demographics Part B, Date of Birth



The system displays the student's LEA ID enrolled in SEDS.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, LEA Code

{EnrollmentDistrict} LEA ID {ID}


The system displays the student's attending LEA name enrolled in SEDS.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending LEA

{EnrollmentDistrict} Name {NAME}

School Code SEDS

The system displays the student's school code enrolled in SEDS.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School ID

{EnrollmentSchool} ID

School Name SEDS

The system displays the student's attending school name enrolled in SEDS.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School


Referral Date

The system displays the student's referral date.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Initial Referral Date


Parental Consent Date

The system displays the date of parental consent for evaluation.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Consent Date


Referral Type

The system displays the type of referral.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Referral Reason

{ReferralReason: F"InUse"}

Days Between Referral and Parental Consent Date

The system displays the date on which parental consent was received for the initial evaluation. This date can be before the referral date if no consent was provided after the referral and the parental consent was data-entered after the referral.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Parental Consent within 30 Days

The system calculates the number of days between the referral and the parental consent received. The target time frame is 30 calendar days. If the number of days is less than 30, the system displays Yes, else displays No.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Was Parental Consent Obtained within 30 days?


Missing Consent

The system displays Yes if no parental consent was received within 30 days of referral.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Eligibility Event  Date

The system displays the student’s initial eligibility date.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Initial Eligibility Date


Eligibility event type

The system displays the eligibility event type.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Eligibility Outcome


Eligibility Due Date

The system displays the date on which the student's eligibility determination is due.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Initial Eligibility Due Date


Timely Eligibility

The system displays -

  • No: If the student did not receive an eligibility determination before the eligibility due date.

  • Yes: If the student received an eligibility determination on or before the eligibility due date.

  • NA: If the student's eligibility determination is not yet due, if they had a parental consent denial or referral discontinuation before the due date, or if the student was not active in an LEA in the District of Columbia on their due date, the eligibility determination was not completed on or before the due date.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Active as of Due Date

The system displays -

  • Yes: If the student was actively enrolled (stage 5 or stage 4) on their eligibility due date.

  • No: If the student was not actively enrolled (stage 5 or 4) on their eligibility due date.

  • NA: If the student's eligibility determination is not yet due.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Between LEA Transfer Flag

The system indicates whether the student had a change in the LEA of Stage 5 enrollment between the referral date and the due date.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Current Stage 5 Enrollment in LEA

The system displays Yes, if the student is currently enrolled in Stage 5 in the LEA listed under the LEA Name SEDS, else displays No.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Parental Delay Reason

The system displays the reason for the parent’s delay.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Initial Eligibility Delay Reason


Reasonable efforts to obtain consent

The system calculates and displays that reasonable efforts were made to obtain parental consent. It is calculated as 30 days from the referral received date, as calculated in the Reasonable Effort document.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Were Reasonable Efforts completed within 30 days?


Age as of Referral

The system calculates and displays the student's age on the referral date.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

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