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DL Subclass IV

The DL Subclass IV report contains details of students referred for special education while transitioning from Part C to Part B and turning three years old within the reporting duration. The report shows students' early intervention services or Individualized Family Service Plans (applicable for Part C) related data and the Part B associated details like Part B referrals, evaluations, and IEP plan if the student is timely transitioned to Part B.

Submission Requirements

The report lists all the students referred to in Part B via the transition from Part C while turning three years old within the reporting duration. Verifying that these students have an active Individualized Education Program (IEP) and have not exited the special education program within the reporting duration selected is necessary.

Generate Report

  1. From the Reporting menu, choose Standard Reports.

  2. Click Part B Federal Reporting, then click DL Subclass IV.

  3. Enter a Start Date and End Date manually or use the calendar icon for the reporting duration.

  4. Click Update Report with Values.

To review the latest data, click Refresh after opening the report in the application.

Report Field Description and Criteria

Data Element


Data Source (Profile/Form, Field Name)

Database Field Name

Student Name

The system displays the student's full name.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Student's Name

{@CHARACTER(FirstName+" "+MiddleName+" "+LastName+" ")}

Timely for Subclass IV

  • The system displays No if the student does not meet all the criteria for a timely transition to Part B; that is, the student does not have a timely transition from Part C to B and there is a delay reason added to the Special Education Part B profile.

  • The system displays Yes if the student meets all the criteria for a timely transition to Part B; that is, the student does not have a delay in Part C to B transition.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

LEA Code

The system displays the student's LEA code number.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, LEA Code

{EnrollmentDistrict} LEA ID {ID}

LEA Name

The system displays the student's attending LEA name.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending LEA

{EnrollmentDistrict} Name {NAME}

School Code

The system displays the student's school code.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School ID

{EnrollmentSchool} ID

School Name

The system displays the student's attending school name.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Attending School


Reporting Year

The year reported is when the student turned three years old, measured from July 1 to June 30. For instance, the FFY19 refers to the period from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)


These are the four quarters that correspond to the reporting period of a student's third birthday:

  • Q1: July 1-September 30

  • Q2: October 1-December 31

  • Q3: January 1-March 31

  • Q4: April 1-June 30.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Student USI

The system displays the student's USI number.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Child USI


Student DOB

The system displays the student's birth date.

Profile: Student Info/Demo Part B, Date of Birth


Third Birthday

The system calculates the student's third birthday.

N/A ( Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

2.65 List Date

The system displays the date the student was referred from Part C to Part B through the automated 2.65 lists.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Date Referral Received


LEA Invitation Date

The date on which the LEA was invited to a Part C transition meeting.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Transition Conference Meeting Date


Part C Status Date

The system displays the latest opening or closure date in Part C.

Profile: Part C IFSP, Effective Date


Current Part C Status

The system displays the student's most recent Part C case status.

Profile: Part C IFSP, Case Status


Part C Closure Reason

The system displays the student's most recent Part C closure reason.

Profile: Part C IFSP, Case Closure Reason


Part B Referral Date

The system displays the student's referral date.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Date Referral Received


Part B Referral Type

The available types of initial referral in Part B are:
• Part C: The student's referral source was Part C
• Other: The student's referral source was other than Part C (parent, doctor, school, and so on)
• None: The student does not have a Part B referral

Profile: Referrals Part B, Referral Source Type


Part B Eligibility Date

The system displays the student's eligibility date.

Profile: Special Education Part B, Initial Eligibility Date


Part B Consent Date

The system displays the date when Part B consent is given.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Consent Received Date


IEP Date

The system displays the date on which parental consent was received for the initial evaluation. This date can be earlier than the referral date if no consent was provided after the referral and parental consent was entered after the referral.

Profile: Special Education Part B, IEP Start Date



The system displays IDT Value for the student's EARLIEST Finalized IEP Document and the document where the Parent/Guardian has accepted the IEP.


Document ID

Part B Non-Eligibility Date

The system displays the date on which a student was found to be ineligible for Part B services.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Initial Eligibility Date where Eligibility Outcome = Not Eligible


Part B Referral Discontinuation Date

The system displays the date when a student's referral was discontinued.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Initial Eligibility Date where Eligibility Outcome = Discontinued Referral


Part B Parental Consent Denial Date

The system displays the date on which parental consent was denied for the initial Part B evaluation.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Consent Date where Consent Response = Denied


Latest of Enrolled or 3rd Birthday

The system displays the earliest date from:

  • Enrollment Start Date with Stage 5 Enrollment Record

  • Student’s 3rd Birthday

  • Consent Date on the Part B Referral where consent is granted

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Signed Initial Consent for provision

The system displays the date of the initial consent for the provision of services.

Profile: Referrals Part B, Consent Date for Initial Provision of Services


Earliest Stage 5 Enrollment

The system displays the earliest Enrollment Start Date when a student was enrolled in stage 5 in a given school.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Enrollment Start Date


Stage 5 Exit Date

The system displays the earliest date on which a student exited Stage 5 enrollment from their initial enrollment. The system will show today's date if a student is still enrolled and has not exited.

Profile: LEA Entry/Exit Part B, Enrollment End Date


SI Provided

The system displays one of the following values:

  • Date: The first date on which a student had specialized instruction provided.

  • Missing: When the student had specialized instruction prescribed on their initial IEP, but specialized instruction has not been provided.

  • NA: When the student did not have specialized instruction prescribed or does not have a finalized IEP.

Profile: Special Education Part B, First Date of Specialized Instruction


Due Date for Related Services

The system displays:

  • Lastest Enrollment StartDate plus 14 days

  • Students' third Birthday plus 14 days

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Date all Related Services Complete

The system displays one of the following values:

  • Date: The first date on which a student had all prescribed related services from their first IEP attempted at least once.

  • Incomplete: The student had related services prescribed on their initial IEP, but all related services have not been attempted.

  • NA: The student did not have related services prescribed or does not have a finalized IEP.

Profile: Special Education Part B, First Date of Related Services on Most Recent IEP



The system displays:

  • No, when the student has a valid exclusion reason and will not be included in Subclass IV reporting.

  • Yes, when the student is included in Subclass IV reporting.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Part B Referral

The system displays -

  • No, if the SEDS referral date is not 90 days before the student's third birthday (considered Untimely).

  • Yes, if the SEDS referral date is 90 days before the student's third birthday (considered Timely).

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely IEP

The system displays -

  • No, if the student's IEP has not been finalized by their third birthday (considered Untimely).

  • Yes, if the student's IEP has been finalized by their third birthday (considered Timely).

NA (Calculated report field)

NA (Calculated report field)

Timely Location of Services

The system displays - 

  • No, if the student did not have a specific location for services by their third birthday, through a LOS letter or Stage 3, 4, or 5 enrollment (considered Untimely).

  • Yes, if the student had a specific location for services by their third birthday, through a LOS letter or Stage 3, 4, or 5 enrollment (considered Timely).

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely SI

The system displays - 

  • No, if the specialized instruction was not provided on the first day of Stage 5 enrollment (considered Untimely).

  • Yes, if the specialized instruction was provided on the first day of Stage 5 enrollment (considered timely).

  • NA, if a student did not have specialized instruction prescribed or does not have an IEP (metric does not apply).

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Related Services

The system displays - 

  • No, if all prescribed related services were not attempted within 14 calendar days of Stage 5 enrollment (considered Untimely).

  • Yes, when all prescribed related services were attempted within 14 calendar days of Stage 5 enrollment (considered Timely).

  • NA, if a student did not have related services prescribed or does not have an IEP (metric does not apply).

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Speech-Language Pathology Date

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Date: The first date on which a student had attempted speech-language pathology from their first IEP at least once.

  • Incomplete: The student never attempted speech-language pathology prescribed on their initial IEP.

  • NA: The student did not have speech-language pathology prescribed or does not have a finalized IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Speech Language Pathology

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Untimely: If the student did not attempt the speech-language pathology by the due date.

  • Timely: If the student attempted speech-language pathology by the due date.

  • Pending: If speech-language pathology was prescribed in a student's initial IEP but has not yet been attempted and the due date has not passed.

  • NA: If a student does not have speech-language pathology prescribed or an IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Occupational Therapy Date

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Date: This refers to the initial date when a student received occupational therapy as part of their first IEP. The student is required to attend at least one session.

  • Incomplete: The student's initial IEP included a recommendation for occupational therapy, but it has not been attempted yet.

  • NA: The student has not been prescribed occupational therapy or does not yet have a finalized IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Occupational Therapy

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Untimely: If the student did not attempt occupational therapy by the due date.

  • Timely: If the student attempted occupational therapy by the due date.

  • Pending: If the occupational therapy was prescribed in a student's initial IEP but has not yet been attempted and the due date has not passed.

  • NA: If a student never had occupational therapy prescribed or does not have an IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Physical Therapy Date

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Date: This refers to the first date when a student received physical therapy as part of their first IEP. The student is required to attend at least one session. 

  • Incomplete: The student's initial IEP included a recommendation for physical therapy, but it has not been attempted yet.

  • NA: The student was never prescribed for physical therapy or does not yet have a finalized IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Physical Therapy

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Untimely: If the student did not attempt physical therapy by the due date. 

  • Timely: If the student attempted physical therapy by the due date.

  • Pending: If the physical therapy was prescribed in a student's initial IEP but has not yet been attempted, and the due date has not passed.

  • NA: If a student never had physical therapy prescribed or does not have an IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Behavioral Services Date

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Date: This refers to the first date when a student received behavioral services as part of their first IEP. The student is required to attend at least one session. 

  • Incomplete: The student's initial IEP included a recommendation for behavioral services, but it has not been attempted yet.

  • NA: The student was never prescribed for behavioral services or does not yet have a finalized IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Behavioral Services

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Untimely: If the student did not attempt behavioral services by the due date. 

  • Timely: If the student attempted behavioral services by the due date.

  • Pending: If the behavioral services were prescribed in a student's initial IEP but have not yet been attempted, and the due date has not passed.

  • NA: If a student never had behavioral services prescribed or does not have an IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Orientation & Mobility Date

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Date: This refers to the first date when a student received orientation and mobility as part of their first IEP. The student is required to attend at least one session. 

  • Incomplete: The student's initial IEP included a recommendation for orientation and mobility, but it has not been attempted yet.

  • NA: The student was never prescribed for orientation and mobility or does not yet have a finalized IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Orientation & Mobility

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Untimely: If the student did not attempt orientation and mobility by the due date. 

  • Timely: If the student attempted orientation and mobility by the due date.

  • Pending: If the orientation and mobility were prescribed in a student's initial IEP but have not yet been attempted, and the due date has not passed.

  • NA: If a student never had orientation and mobility prescribed or does not have an IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Parent Counseling Date

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Date: This refers to the first date when a student received parent counseling as part of their first IEP. The student is required to attend at least one session. 

  • Incomplete: The student's initial IEP included a recommendation for parent counseling, but it has not been attempted yet.

  • NA: The student was never prescribed for parent counseling or does not yet have a finalized IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Parent Counseling

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Untimely: If the student did not attempt parent counseling by the due date. 

  • Timely: If parent counseling was attempted by the due date.

  • Pending: If the parent counseling was prescribed in a student's initial IEP but has not yet been attempted, and the due date has not passed.

  • NA: If a student never had parent counseling prescribed or does not have an IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Nursing Date

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Date: This refers to the first date when a student received nursing as part of their first IEP. The student is required to attend at least one session. 

  • Incomplete: The student's initial IEP included a recommendation for nursing, but it has not been attempted yet.

  • NA: The student was never prescribed for nursing or does not yet have a finalized IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Nursing

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Untimely: If the student did not attempt nursing by the due date. 

  • Timely: If the student attempted nursing by the due date.

  • Pending: If the nursing was prescribed in a student's initial IEP but has not yet been attempted, and the due date has not passed.

  • NA: If a student never had nursing prescribed or does not have an IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Audiology Date

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Date: This refers to the first date when a student received audiology as part of their first IEP. The student is required to attend at least one session. 

  • Incomplete: The student's initial IEP included a recommendation for audiology, but all related services have not been attempted.

  • NA: The student was never prescribed for audiology or does not yet have a finalized IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Audiology

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Untimely: If the student did not attempt audiology by the due date. 

  • Timely: If the student attempted audiology by the due date.

  • Pending: If the audiology was prescribed in a student's initial IEP but has not yet been attempted, and the due date has not passed.

  • NA: If a student never had audiology prescribed or does not have an IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Recreation Date

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Date: This refers to the first date when a student received recreation services as part of their first IEP. The student is required to attend at least one session. 

  • Incomplete: the student had recreation services prescribed on their initial IEP, but it has not been attempted. The student's initial IEP included a recommendation for audiology, but all related services have not been attempted.

  • NA: The student was never prescribed for recreation services or does not yet have a finalized IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Timely Recreation

The system displays one of the following values: 

  • Untimely: If the student did not attempt recreation services by the due date. 

  • Timely: If the student attempted recreation services by the due date.

  • Pending: If the recreation services were prescribed in a student's initial IEP but have not yet been attempted, the due date has not passed.

  • NA: If a student never had recreation services prescribed or does not have an IEP.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude: Extended IFSP

The system displays -

  • Yes, if the student had a finalized extended Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) in place by their third birthday after being found eligible for Part B services.

  • No, as the exclusion is not applicable.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude: Late Part C

The system displays -

  • Yes, if the student was found eligible for Part C services fewer than 90 days before their third birthday

  • No, as the exclusion is not applicable.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude: Not Part C Eligible

The system displays -

  • Yes, if the student was not eligible for Part C services as of their third birthday.

  • No, as the exclusion is not applicable.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude: Closed Part C

The system displays -

  • Yes, if the student's case was closed in Part C for a valid exclusion reason on or before the student's third birthday. The closure reasons are:

    • Attempts To Contact Unsuccessful

    • Student Unavailable - Not in State

    • Developmentally Appropriate

    • Guardian Withdrawal

    • Moved Out of State

    • Child Unavailable - Not in State, Not Part C Eligible, Deceased, Guardian Withdrawal

    • Child Unavailable - Hospitalized

  • No, as the exclusion is not applicable.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude: Opt Out

The system displays -

  • Yes, when the parents opted out of a referral from Part C to Part B, per the Part C data system.

  • No, as the exclusion is not applicable.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude: Never Stage 5 Enrolled

The system displays -

  • Yes, if the student is never enrolled in Stage 5.

  • No, if the student is enrolled in Stage 5.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude: Parent Consent Denial

The system displays -

  • Yes, if the parents denied consent for Part B evaluation before the student's third birthday.

  • No, as the exclusion is not applicable.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude: Referral Discontinuation

The system displays -

  • Yes, if the parents denied consent for Part B evaluation before the student's third birthday.

  • No, as the exclusion is not applicable.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude: Not Eligible for Part B

The system displays -

  • Yes, if the parents denied consent for Part B evaluation before the student's third birthday.

  • No, as the exclusion is not applicable.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

Exclude Parent Disengagement/Delay

The system displays the delay in engagement for Part C and Part B.

N/A (Calculated report field)

N/A (Calculated report field)

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