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Evaluation Summary Report

Evaluation Summary Report

  1. Select a student on the Students panel.

  2. Click the Documents icon for the student.

  3. From the Create New Document drop-down list, select Evaluation Summary Report under Part B: Eligibility, and click Go.

  4. Enter a Label/Comment and click New. Click Additional Settings to specify the year and sections to include.

  5. In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information and a date field where the user must enter a date using the calendar icon when the user wishes to send the report:

    • From the student's Student Info/Demo Part B profile:

      • Student

      • USI

      • DOB

    • From the student's LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • Grade

    • From the student's Special Education Part B profile:

      • Case Manager

      • Last Eligibility Meeting Date

      • Last IEP Annual Review Meeting Date

  6. Complete the information on the screen within the following sections:

  7. Click Save, Done Editing.

  8. Finalize the document when completed. To finalize the document, click Set Document, select Status from Draft to Final, and then click Accept.

Existing Student Data

Under the Existing Student Data, the system provides the following long stylized text boxes to enter existing student data:

  • Student Background Information: Includes reasons for referral, parent input or concerns, teacher input or concerns, and student input.

  • Educational History: Includes description of student's prior academic performance, participation, and performance on statewide assessments.

  • Parent-provided input, evaluation or information

  • Current classroom-based, LEA or state assessments

  • Observations: Includes current classroom-based observations, teacher observations, or other provider observations)

  • Previous Interventions and Strategies: Describes previous strategies and interventions attempted, strategies, progress monitoring measures, and outcomes. The system allows the user to attach image files.

  • Review of Medical Information or Records: If available, describe medical concerns, medical conditions, diagnoses, or physician input relevant to the student's education. The system allows the user to attach image files.

  • Other Existing Data: For example, attendance data, hearing and vision screenings, or the student's medical history.

  • Upon creation of the Evaluation Summary document, the system will auto-populate data in the eight sections above from the latest finalized Analysis of Existing Data document.

  • The system also provides the following long stylized text boxes for students under the age of six:

    • Relevant information provided by any agency, medical professional, service provider, childcare provider, early childhood program, or relative who may have relevant information regarding the child.

    • IDEA Part C assessments and other related data.

  • A minimum of 20 characters is required for each text box.

Existing Assessments

In the Existing Assessments, the system copies the following information from the finalized Analysis of Existing Data (AED) document (Additional Assessments area):

  • Area of Need/Concern

  • Assessment Category

  • Assessment or Information Used

  • Date Assessment was Completed or Information was Obtained

  • Description of Assessment/Information Review Results

  • Attach Assessment Documentation: In this box, the system displays the following text: Check Analysis of Existing Data [AED] document to find the attachments.

  • Conclusions (including impacts on area of assessment)

  • Strengths

  • Areas for Growth

New Formal Assessments

  1. Upon creation of the document, the system will pull in any Assessments Part B profile records where the Assessment Completion date is blank. The system will display the Area of Need/Concern and Assessment Category.

  2. Select an Assessment Category.

  3. The system provides a drop-down list with the linked assessment categories based on the area of need or concern.

  4. Enter a date in the Date Assessment was Completed or Information was Obtained field.

  5. The system provides a long stylized text box to enter the Description of Assessment/Information Review Results.

  6. In the Attach Assessment Documentation field, the user can upload multiple files using the Attach File option.

  7. The system provides the following long stylized text boxes:

    • Conclusions (includes impacts on area of assessment)

    • Strengths

    • Areas of Growth

  8. Enter the time to complete the assessment in the Hours or Minutes fields. Hours or Minutes must be populated. Both values can be populated. These two fields do not appear in print mode.

  9. Select the service delivery type by checking one of the two checkboxes.

  10. In the Evaluator Name field, select a name from the staff table using the lookup function. The system auto-populates the Credentials and Title of the staff member selected in the lookup field. The system will filter only those staff who are active and where the staff has a matching Evaluation Assessment Part B (flyout) record. It ensures that only those staff permitted to provide the type of assessment can be selected on the document.

To add more assessments, click the plus icon.

Data Flow

Upon finalization of the document, the following data flow occurs:


To Profile

The data flows out from the following fields of the document:

  • Assessment or Information Used

  • Date Assessment was Completed or Information was Obtained

  • Hours

  • Minutes

  • Service Delivery Type

  • Evaluator Name, Credentials, and Title

Assessments Part B

  • Assessment Name

  • Assessment Completed Date

  • Evaluation Duration Hrs.

  • Evaluation Duration Mins.

  • Service Delivery Type

  • Provider Who Conducted Assessment

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