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Final Eligibility Determination Report

Final Eligibility Determination Report

  1. Select a student on the Students panel.

  2. Click the Documents icon for the student.

  3. From the Create New Document drop-down list, select Final Eligibility Determination Report under Part B: Eligibility, and click Go.

  4. Enter a Label/Comment and click New. Click Additional Settings to specify the year and sections to include.

  5. In the Student Information section, the system auto-populates the following information:

    • From the Student Info/Demo Part B profile:

      • Student

      • USI

      • DOB

    • From the LEA Entry/Exit Part B profile:

      • Grade

    • From the Special Education Part B profile:

      • Case Manager

      • Last Eligibility Meeting Date

      • Last IEP Annual Review Meeting Date

  6. Enter a date using the calendar icon when the user wishes to send the report. This date must be later than the date on the Date of Eligibility Meeting field.

  7. Enter a date using the calendar icon in the Date of Eligibility Meeting field. When the document is finalized, the date flows to the student's Special Education Part B profile, Initial Eligibility Date (when the type of evaluation is Initial) and Most Recent Eligibility Start Date fields.

  8. The system auto-selects the type of evaluation based on the latest Referral Reason in the student's Referral Part B profile.

    • Select the Initial checkbox when the student’s Referral Reason is Initial Evaluation.

    • Select the Reevaluation checkbox when the Referral Reason is Reevaluation - Parent/LEA Request.

    • Select the Out of State IEP checkbox when the Referral Reason is Out of State IEP.

  9. The system auto-populates the Date of Referral and Date of Consent from the student's Referral Part B profile.

  10. Select the disability checkboxes applicable to the student. The system adds each corresponding disability worksheet to the document as a separate section that must be completed before the report's finalization.

  11. Complete the information on the screen within the following sections:

  12. Under Participant Disagreement, the user can upload multiple files using the Add Attachment option.

  13. Click Save, Done Editing.

  14. Click the flyout menu to view each of the applicable worksheets and complete each worksheet.

  15. Finalize the document when completed. To finalize the document, click Set Document, select Status from Draft to Final, and then click Accept.

Eligibility Determination

In the Eligibility Determination section, the system provides a series of questions. The user must select a response (Yes or No) for each question.

  1. When the user selects Specific Learning Disability, an additional question on cultural factors will appear.

  2. The system provides a long stylized text box when the user selects Yes for the question Does the student’s disability adversely affect the student’s educational performance? The user must type a minimum of 20 characters in the text box.

  3. The system calculates the student's eligibility based on the user's response and selects either the Eligible or Not Eligible checkbox based on the questions above. For the system to select Eligible, all three (or four if the student has Specific Learning DIsability) questions in the first section must all be No, and the last three questions below must be Yes. Otherwise, the system will auto-select the Not Eligible checkbox. When the document is finalized, the Eligibility Outcome field on the student's Special Education Part B profile is updated.

  4. When the student is found Eligible, the user must select a Primary Disability. If the user selects more than one disability worksheet and the student is found Eligible, the user must select a Primary and Secondary Disability. If the student is found Not Eligible, this disability option will be grayed out. The user must select the applicable disability checkboxes listed in the Check All That Apply area. If the student is found Eligible, the primary (and secondary) disability values will flow to the student's Special Education Part B profile. If the student is found Not Eligible, the primary and secondary disability values on the Special Education Part B profile will be removed upon finalization of the document.

  5. When the student is found Eligible, select the applicable checkboxes associated with the student’s disability that impacts their participation in the general education curriculum. If Other is selected, describe the student's disability. When the student is found Not Eligible, the section is not editable.

Meeting Participants

In the Meeting Participants section:

  1. Under the Team Member column, the system auto-populates the student's name and any student contact with Educational Rights selected on the student's Student Contacts Part B profile. If the student is applying to be added as a participant, the user will select the Team Member checkbox. If the Team Member checkbox is not selected, the student's name is suppressed on print.

  2. Under the Title/Role column, the system displays the role associated with each participant.

  3. The user must select one of the applicable checkboxes associated with each participant under the following columns:

    • Attended Meeting in Person

    • Participated by Phone

    • Did not Attend

  4. When the user selects the Specific Learning Disability checkbox at the top of the page, the user must select one of the two values for each meeting participant under the following columns:

    • Initial to indicate agreement with Eligibility Determination Report

    • Initial to indicate disagreement with Eligibility Determination Report

  • To add participants, click the plus icon within Meeting Participants.

  • The student evaluation type is updated when the user creates a new document, opens an existing document, or updates the document from the student profile.

  • An error message will appear if the referral reason is not Initial, Reevaluation, or Out of State IEP and parental consent is not granted, preventing users from creating the page.

  • Click More, Update Document from Student Profile to refresh parent or guardian details on the document when the document is in draft mode. Parent or guardian details cannot be updated for documents in Review or Final mode.

Data Flow

Upon finalization of the document, the following data flow occurs:


To Profile

The data flows out from the following fields of the document:

  • Date of Eligibility Meeting

  • Reason for Delay

  • Eligibility Outcome

  • Primary Disability

  • Secondary Disability

Special Education Part B

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