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SPSM-DC_24.10.1.0 Release Notes

Date of release: October 9, 2024

Part B



Release Note


Medicaid Delivered Services Report

Made the following changes to the report:

  • Added the report filters for Start Date and End Date.

  • Updated the report selection criteria to use the date range of the reporting period to display only those service records whose date of service is within the associated service start/end date range.

  • Updated the report selection criteria to only include services where the Service Delivery value is either Delivered in Person or Delivered Virtual.

  • Excludes dates of service if if the date is greater than the special education exit date or if the service record is missing the LEA Code, School Code, or Primary Disability values.

  • Added a new report named “Medicaid Delivered Services Data Check Report” which will list any service records where the LEA Code, School Code, or Primary Disability values are missing. These records are excluded from the Medicaid Delivered Services report. PowerSchool recommends running this report often to ensure data is correct. This report should include no students (no data issues).

Part C



Release Note


2.6.5 List Report

Updated the student selection criteria to include the child if the Part C Case Status end date value is blank.


Translation & Interpretation Request by Company

Added a new report called "Translation & Interpretation Request by Company" to the Service Capture Part C reports folder. The report uses the same selection criteria as the "Translation and Interpretation" report, with the additional condition "Provider = User Works At.”


Exit Data Report and Part C Exit Data Diagnostic

Updated the report selection criteria to include inactive students.


Evaluation Report and Evaluation Request Part C profile.

Made the following updates to the Evaluation Report document:

  • The Evaluation Date and Billing Claim Status will now flow to the Evaluation Request Part C profile regardless of the value in the Date Scheduled field.

  • Removed the data flow to the Date Scheduled field in the Evaluation Request Part C profile from the Evaluation report. This data now flows from the Evaluation/Assessment PWN document.


Child Count by Race/Ethnicity and Setting

Made the following changes to the Child Count by Race/Ethnicity and Setting report:

  • Modified the report selection criteria to use the Globals Count Date which was incorrectly using the Globals Reporting Start and End Date.

  • The report will show all IFSP services associated with the student's IFSP and within the Globals Count Date.

  • Updated the "Home Setting" and "Community Based Setting" columns to show a count of 1 under each respective column only when all associated IFSP services within the Globals Count Date are either "Home Setting" or "Community Based Setting".

  • Updated the "Other Setting" column to show a count of 1 when all associated IFSP services within the Globals Count Date are either Hospital Outpatient or Other.

  • Updated the column Two or more to display the count as 1 when the all the associated IFSP services Setting within the Globals Count Date is Community-based, other, or home.


Request for Evaluation/Assessment

Updated the document requiring the Primary Payer and Insurance Provider values.


IFSP Recreation

Made the following changes to the IFSP and Legacy IFSP creation process:

When the user creates the IFSP document for a child and the child does not have an existing IFSP document, however, does have IFSP Services in the profile (migrated), the IFSP cover page will display a question: "Is this recreation of a previously completed IFSP in a previous system?" When the user selects "No," the IFSP will not automatically include the IFSP services from the child’s profile, and the user can add IFSP services to the document manually. When the user selects "Yes," the IFSP will automatically include any IFSP services from the child’s profile where the IFSP service meeting date is on or later than the IFSP meeting date on the cover page. In this case, the user cannot add any new IFSP services to the document. Selecting Yes should only be applicable when a child’s IFSP was created in the previous system and that IFSP needs to be amended.


Batch Reports - Evaluations

Created 3 new reports in the Part C Batch Claim Status folder. The reports are called Set Not Submitted - Evaluations, Set Submitted to Verified - Evaluations and Set Verified to Medicaid Batched - Evaluations.

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