Users can now sync the Enrollment Audit Date and Final Submission Date fields from the state controller.
First Provision of Specialized Instruction
Updated the document to require the student to have at least one Special Education service, with the exception of Speech/Language only.
Plan History Part B New Profile
Added a new profile named Plan History Part B to store the history of each student plan.
Data flows from the IEP, Section 504 Plan, Comparable Services Plan, and Service Plan documents to the newly added Plan History Part B profile upon finalization of the document for the following fields:
Plan Type, Plan Meeting Date, End Date, Amendment Date (if applicable), Plan ID, Document ID, LEA, LEA Code, School, School Code, Transportation, LRE, ESY, and % Outside General Education data. The Plan ID value is populated using the Document IDT, plus 6-digit LEA code. If the actual LEA code is less than 6 digits then the LEA code will be prefaced by zeros (to make it a total of 6 digits). For example, the Document ID is 456, and the LEA Code is 33. The Plan ID would reflect as 456000033.
When the student transfers to another LEA, the transfer process will include the Plan History Profile Part B profile in the transfer process. All values in the profile will transfer over, including the exact same Plan ID from the sending district.
Plan Dates New Report
Added Plan Dates Report under the Part B Medicaid reports folder. Deprecated the existing Plan Dates report.
The selection criteria for the Plan Dates report use the new profile "Plan Dates Part B History" to retrieve any plan record that falls within the date range of the reporting filters.
If multiple plan records exist for the student in the same reporting period, each record will be displayed in a separate row.
The report includes both active and inactive students.
Removed the Plan Dates – Gifted Report under the Medicaid Part B report folder.
Letter of Invitation and Statewide Alternate Assessment
Made the following text changes to the Letter of Invitation and Statewide Alternate Assessment documents:
Updated the Letter of Invitation document to remove the address and city information from the Case Manager field.
Updated the Statewide Alternate Assessment document.
The new title of the document will be DC Alternate Assessment Application.
Removed the word Language from the “English Language Learners (ELL) Language” in the Source of Evidence Table. The updated text reads “English Learner (EL) language assessments.”
Updated the Directions text at the document header to match the State document:
To qualify for the District of Columbia's Alternate Assessment*, a student's IEP team must determine if a student should apply for Alternate Assessments based on participation criteria and accompanying evidence. Please complete this form and upload it into the student's record in the Special Programs database, OR complete the embedded "DC Alternate Assessment Application Form" in Special Programs. Do not send this form to OSSE over email, in order to protect student privacy.
Progress Report
Made the following changes to Progress Report:
Updated the progress report to display only goals that have the ESY Goal checkbox selected when the user selects a marking period (MarkingPeriodTable keyword table) that has ESY set as Yes.
The progress report will display all the goals regardless of the ESY checkbox being checked when the user selects Non-ESY marking period.
Retired the Legacy Progress Report.
Globals and LEA Monitoring Reports
Made the following changes in the Globals, Stepwell Integration section:
Added a new subsection named Stepwell Monitoring Reporting that displays before the existing Stepwell Integration section.
Moved the two fields Monitoring Start Date and Monitoring End Date from Globals, LEA Calendar Information to the Globals, Stepwell Monitoring Reporting section, and the fields are relabeled as Part C to Part B Start Date and Part C to Part B End Date.
Added the following new date fields:
Untimely Initial Evaluations Start Date
Untimely Initial Evaluations End Date
Untimely Re-Evaluations Start Date
Untimely Re-Evaluations End Date
Updated the selection criteria of the reports, LEA Monitoring Untimely Initial Evaluations and LEA Monitoring Untimely Re-evaluations to use the fields newly added in the Globals.
The checkbox “Sync field value to district tenants” within the report properties is selected for all the date fields within Stepwell Monitoring Reporting section.
Part C
Release Note
Medicaid Provider Credential Reports - New
Added three new reports under the Part C Medicaid reports folder.
Provider Import
Provider License
Plan Dates - New Report
Added Plan Dates report under the Part C Medicaid Reports folder.
The selection criteria for the Plan Dates report uses the profile "IFSC History Part C" to retrieve any IFSP plan record that falls within the date range of the reporting filters and Medicaid Consent = Consent Granted.
If there are multiple plan records for the child within the same reporting period, then all the plan records representing each IFSP will be displayed in separate rows.
The report includes both active and inactive children.
APR Indicator 7-Timely Evaluation - New Report
Added APR Indicator 7-Timely Evaluation under the Standard Reports, Part C Federal Reporting folder.
The selection criteria of the report are the same as the advance report, Part C APR Indicator 7.
Removed the IFSP Date from the Number of Days Late field calculation logic as it has to reference the Globals reporting period.
Updated Number of Days Late field logic to use the Part C Referral record where Status = Accepted and the Date of Entry is on or less than the Most Recent IFSP meeting date with Meeting type = 11.
Globals Part C Logic Update to the Scripts
Updated the following Part C scripts to include the condition Globals Part C = True such that these scripts would run only on the databases where Globals Part C = True.
Part C Caseload
Part C Company Caseload
Part C Deactivate Staff When Company Deactivated
Part C Inactivate Provider
Part C Inactivate Provider-60Day
Part C Update Staff LEAPOC field
Populate ContractTypeInfo. Renamed to Populate ContractTypeInfo Part C.
Updated the following Part B scripts to include a condition Globals Part C = False, so that these scripts would run only on the databases where Globals Part C = False.
Part B Caseload
Part B Clear Staff Bypass Until Date
Part B Update Staff Security Groups By Position
Part B Update Staff Tenant Sec Groups By Position
Populate SWD Count Summary. Renamed “Populate SWD Count Summary” to “SWD Count Summary Part B”.
“Insert/Update Historical Disability Profile”. Renamed script to “Update Disability History Part B”
PlanRecords Profile update for Subclass I. Renamed to Plan Records Profile Subclass Part B.
Update LEA Entry/Exit. Renamed to Update LEA Entry/Exit Part B.
Update on pending Subclass for Subclass III report. Renamed to “Subclass III Part B”
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